Jul 11, 2007 03:13
THIs just made me REALLY... not mad per se, but... sad actually. One of my good friends (and I REALLY mean like good friend) wrote a note on here about that minister that came out of the closet. Then he began not really gay BASHING, but more found "proof" about how homosexuality is an "abomination" in SEVERAL places in the bible. He began to say how REAL christians can't be gay, and that it was our "DUTY" to make sure everyone follows "gods will". I felt sorry for him! I mean, I really did! He kept reiterating that it wasn't gay PEOPLE he had a problem with, it was Homosexuality in itself. That being gay is immoral, and that CHristians NEED to stand up to it.
I don't know what I'll do if this kind of think keeps going. THe priests at my church seem to be very accepting, or possibly ignorant to anything that they don't want to see/hear. THey all like me, because I'm ALWAYS there helping out with set-ups, and clean ups. I GREW UP THERE. I have been going tthere since I was BAPTIZED there 18 YEARS AGO! But... sometimes I wonder what would happen if I DID turn gay. WOuld they still accept me? would my FRIENDS still treat me the same? I mean, I have friends that have been TRYING to "recruit" me since FOREVER, but... THis guy, he really just made me... worry? YEah. I'm worried for him, for ALL christians who think like him! I'm worried for the fate of the world, should these feelings spread, and I don't think that I would want to go to a place where that kind of thing happened on a regular basis.
I currently have TWO friends. Both of them are gay, and both of them are as intertwined in my church as I am. HOwever, I'm pretty sure that neither of them are "out" within the confines of the church. I don't think that's right! I mean, this is just a remake of Frankenstein's Monster! WHat is this world coming to? SOmetimes, I wonder what'll happen...
sorry for all this...