Back bitches!

May 01, 2008 21:37

*WAVES AT ALL AND SUNDRY* Last final today, I am free for a month. And I actually got to watch SPN live tonight, and I have talky things to say, even.

- I totally missed the serious side of the show.  I was on edge for the first of it, and me and my BFF guessed some things before they happened, so we felt all smart this week.

-Sam smiled a lot in this episode, especially in that one scene I can't think of right now, but he had a gorgeous Jared-smile and I am so gonna icon that tomorrow.

-So now Sam knows there's no way to save Dean.  And then Dean totally calls Sam on his hiding shit from Dean.

-Heh, the porn guy was pretty funny.  A teeny bit stereotypical, the guy working a phone company who's foreign sounding and wimpy.  At least last week they didn't make the gay guy wear pink and snap his fingers.

-I admit, I got all tingly when I heard John's voice.  Can't believe I miss the old man.  I guess it's not so much his character for me, but about having him back and seeing what it does to Sam and Dean.

-All right, let me just outright say it.  Sam is bugging the crap out of me.  That last scene was only okay for me.  Where the hell is all the emotion with Sam?  He's just...stoney.  Dean's all, "I'm gonna have to get myself out of the deal" and Sam simply says, "and me."  I mean, Sam has been absolutely distraught all this time, even up until the last episode when he bitched Dean out and threw a chair at the door.  I think the only way I could feel better about Sam being like this is if Sam has something up his sleeve, is going to do something completely fucked up to save Dean and he knows for sure that Dean will make it.  It's reversal, Dean being all emotional and scared and Sam sure and steady.  I t rust the writers pretty well, so I think I may be right in thinking that they intended this all along.

-There was some gay in this episode, but surprisingly the gayest moment was Sam and the monster of the week.  Did it freak anyoen else out how he brushed Sam's hair from his forehead?

Next week:  I will not be able to watch this episode until the next day, when I can flail and scream as I like.  My crazy lesbians are babysitting for three weeks straight, and so no going over there to yell and the BFF is in an apartment where you can't yell, and this is gonna be one of those episodes where I'm all "OH SHIT, OMGOMGOMG, SHIT!!!!"

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