Supernatural meme

Mar 18, 2008 12:35

When did you start watching Supernatural?
Everyone on my flist kept talking about it in my SV days.  Then my BFF said she had watched a couple of episodes and then I gave in, downloaded and watched the pilot.  (Shameful fact: when I would see people post pictures of them before watching the show, I would look at Jared and say to myself, "He is ugly and chubby."  I should just hop in a handbasket now.)

What made you want to watch it?
Everyone had good things to say about it, and the pilot was better than the vague preview they gave before it even aired.  In my defense, they showed spooky stuff, and Sam just gasping as blood dripped on his face.  So I thought, great, stupid teen is gonna get killed by a ghosty .  I didn't even think he was going to be a main character, and I didn't think it was his girlfriend being burned on a ceiling like his mom was.)

Who is your favourite character?
Oh, geez.  Fine, I'll be bold and pick between the brothers, though it hurts... Sam.  It used to be Dean, right up until 3.11, which is explained in the next question.

What is/are your favorite episode/s?
Myster Spot, hands down.  It used to be 2.22 because of the epic nature, Dean selling his immortal soul, killing The Demon, Dean, Dean, Dean.  But Mystery Spot was Sam, Sam, Sam and I think I love it because for the first time, I truly believed that Sam cared just as much for Dean as Dean did for Sam.  I mean, I always knew Sam cared, loved his brother and all that.  But Dean was special:  He was obsessed, had that sick desperate edge to his love for Sam.  But then Dean was dead and we got to really see the heart of Sam.  He was obsessed, turning into a different person, completely obsessed with the hunt and getting his brother back.  Then the trickster preached to Sam about how their self-sacrificing circle jerk would bring nothing but blood and pain.  And Sam, bad ass Sam who stoicly stitched his ass up when in 3.03 he got sad-faced over skinning himself and losing his shoe, BEGGED the trickster for Dean.  ♥

What is/are your least favorite episode/s?
The Bottom Three
1. No Exit (there is no redeeming aspect to this episode.  Hardly any of the boys, and all about Jo and BLAH.  I've seen it once.)
2. Hollywood Babylon.  It was cheesy and did not follow well after Heart.  I'm probably alone in this opinion.
3. Route 666.  Cassie was a poor character, and the episode itself was not good enough to make up for the crap character they made.

Who was your least favourite character they ran into?
Bela.  Most characters I don't like tend to go away in an episode or two.  Bitch keeps coming back and no matter how hard they're selling me, I think there is no way in hell I'll ever like her.

What is your favourite quote?
"I'm gonna take care of you, I'm gonna take care of you."  This breaks me every time.

Evil!Dean? or Evil!Sam?
Evil!Sam, because it's hot as all hell.

John or Sam?
Sam, duh.

Demon or Meg?
The Demon.  He was magnificent and a great villain.

Huge freaky knife or shot gun?
Guh.  Knife.  I fantasize about that knife, almost obsessively.

What's the worst (scariest) thing they've run into?
Pretty much nothing has really scared me, but the Meg demon freaked me out, because he/she is out to get Dean and he/she used Sam to get to him, which scares me.

Metallicar or Truckzilla?
Is this a choice?  Really?

Best J² moment?
Holy god, I have no clue.  Every time something new comes out, I have a new favorite.

Funniest moment would have to be?
This choosing one thing shit is ridiculous.  Today's favorite is Sam getting groped by Mrs. Haversham.


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