In an ongoing effort to post on here more, we have a dream post

May 14, 2012 11:22

I had kind of a fucked up dream last night. I was watching the newest Supernatural episode and liveblogging it on tumblr. I don't remember much of the episode until it culminated in Castiel kissing Dean. Needless to say, tumblr went apeshit and even I was like, DAMN. It goes on and Dean's not overly interested (bless my wincest-loving heart) but then some plot point arrives in which Dean has to fuck Castiel. Yes, fuck him, but hold your horses because he has to do it with this magical object, and it has razors on it. Ow. In fact, he doesn't even have to fuck Castiel, but he volunteers because angel and how can you ask anyone else to endure something like that. I remember posting, "dear lord, this is a metaphor for the entire Dean/Castiel relationship", and from there I woke up.

Oh wait no, before waking up I switched to Star Trek for a second, in which Jim was part of a construction team building a house and it was Spock's new house with Uhura, and oh yeah Spock was pregnant and staring at Jim sweating in the hot sun, shirtless. What the fuck is with my mind?

spn, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, groped by an angel, dreams, bigmamag needs the help, dean/castiel

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