livejournal is really pissing me off

Sep 22, 2011 10:24

I love how they've made using cuts that much harder. I go to edit anything and suddenly the cut is jacked up. Also, one some posts I've noticed that the comments get eaten especially posts in which there is a high, fast volume of posting. I shudder to think what an ontd_startrek party post would be like nowadays.

I've gotten to the point where I only want to use livejournal for commenting on communities and fic posting. I'm being a terrible lj friend, I know. I'm a great tumblr friend, if you love either Kirk/Spock or wincest. I may have to do a major flist cut and I don't want to do that just to keep up. I also find that I'm much happier on tumblr because livejournal, let's face it, is mostly about people's real lives and as I have way too many problems myself, it's disheartening coming onto lj and either hearing about problems ten times worse than my own or hearing about how great everything is. I'm a bitter, souless bitch. I just want to come online and relax when I do it. Tumblr is a fun, easy way to do that, so that's why I'm more active on there. I've already seen a few defriendings recently, and I don't blame a single person. At least I'll be doing Supernatural reactions on here again and if I ever figure out what to talk about, perhaps space husband meta.

lj fail, bigmamag needs the help, i'm a dumbass, tumblr, rl

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