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I believe we've all been qetuo4756 May 21 2011, 03:22:29 UTC

I loved this ending. It was brilliant. And the Gay. I love the writing staff. The acting was fantastic, especially Jared's. I need season 7 NOW. I shall be eagerly awaiting for Chuck to show up and for a showdown. As for Castiel, Bahahaha! And at least in the Destiel fandom, there'll be fix-it fics.

I guess it's time for me to go back and re-watch everything again.


Re: I believe we've all been bigmamag May 21 2011, 05:06:16 UTC
I swear, there was enough homoerotic fuel to launch a thousand ships. I'm very happy with the finale because I never shipped Destiel, so I do feel sorry for them but dear lord, I went through hell during season 4 with Sam being a dickhole, so I'm just sitting back and am all, "See? Not so lovely when it's your favorite character doing bad things, huh?"


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