Ressurrecting old fandoms post

May 13, 2011 08:46

Once more I apologize for not checking my flist properly or posting on here much. I've only had the energy to update tumblr, since I can just go, "ate a piece of pie" and that's an entire post.

I think I'm going to download and watch the Smallville finale tonight. Why? Lex Luthor. You may think this strange since I stopped watching after season 5 ( Read more... )

fandom, police husbands, h/d, harry potter, fraser/ray k, rant, that show with the gay alien, rosenbaum, due south

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thebiggest_lie May 13 2011, 17:55:20 UTC

LOL, everything in this post is relevant to my current interests.

I gotta say, if you ever feel like it and have the time, you should definitely watch the last few seasons of Smallville. I know they don't have Lex, but the writing, acting and production is just phenomenal in my opinion and made me fall in love with the show all over again, even with my skipping nearly 4 seasons in the middle there. Season Nine is my favorite season of the whole show. SO EXCITED for the finale tonight.

I watched the first episode of Due South BTW. It was a good start! Seems like a fun show, with quirky characters. I really loved the dog.

IMO the 7th movie is BETTER than the book. Crazy statement, but there it is. And ugh, the epilogue just does not exist. I have NO IDEA what JK was thinking. Even setting aside not being happy with the content of it, it was poorly written compared to the rest of the book and felt so out of place.

I have been on an H/D kick too! What fics have you read? I've come across a couple of really brilliant newer ones since I last read in the fandom, as well as finding some older ones I missed the first time around.


bigmamag May 13 2011, 18:44:18 UTC
IDK, I don't think I could enjoy it without Lex and I actually hate Lois, so I don't think it would be a right fit. I'm just curious how they'll present Lex now. I don't even know why he left in the first place (not the actor, the character.) Was he presumed dead or something? I'm missing big plot points, lol. And is it true that Clark married Lois? I swear I saw something like that.

Awwww shit, Due South gets so much better. It's hilarious and I like that it doesn't take itself seriously but then sometimes you're slapped with angst and yet it strangely fits. Since we usually agree on slash pairings, I'd definitely wait until season 3 and there's ~Kowalski~. I mean, a good number ship Fraser/Vecchio and that's cool, but man, the slash is GOOD no matter where you turn and if it were not for Kirk and Spock, this would be my #1 OTP and they just barely fall below that. I think you'll really enjoy the Victoria's Secret episodes because dear lord, they're beautiful and heartbreaking, and I'll just hold back on talking about S3 and S4 slash because, um, ALL OF IT IS GAY AND NOTHING HURTS. Jealousy. Eyesex. Standing too close together. Hand holding. Underwater breathing. Riding off into the sunset. I'LL STOP NOW.

THANK YOU ON THE EPILOGUE. It was like terribly written fanfiction IMO. I'm glad to hear that the movie is better than the book, though sadly that shouldn't be how it is.

Mostly I've re-read stuff from Maya-Underwater Light, Drop Dead Gorgeous, If You've a Ready mind-but then I've also read Oscillate Wildly (the one in which Harry might have dreamed up Hogwarts and is really a boy in a mental hospital with Draco as a roommate and you can't tell which is true until the end) and I've started in on Origins. I don't think I've read a new one in years, so do share, even if it's a delicious tag.


thebiggest_lie May 13 2011, 20:01:15 UTC
HAHA IF I WASN'T CONVINCED BEFORE ABOUT THE AWESOME OF DUE SOUTH, I WOULD BE NOW. :D Really think I am going to enjoy this show/fandom.

I waver so much on how I feel about Lois. Sometimes I like her, sometimes I don't. What really makes the last few seasons for me is Tess Mercer and Clark. I LOVED what they did with Clark growth wise, and Tess is my second favorite character on the show. My love for her keeps growing the more and more I think about her too. Lois and Clark are not married, but are engaged.

Things you should probably know for the finale:

- Tess Mercer is Lex Luthor's sister. Much like Lucas she was a throwaway child of Lionel's. SHE IS ALSO A BAMF AND TOTALLY AMAZING AND PERFECTLY FLAWED AND I LOVE HER VERY DEEPLY.

- Lex was killed by Oliver Queen. His return looks to be a clone version of him from what I can tell, instilled with his memories.

- This season they have been playing around with an alternate universe. Don't know if this will come up in the finale, but in the alt universe, Clark was found by Lionel and raised a Luthor. He's a complete douchebag, sleeps with his sister Tess who is in love with him despite what an ass he is, and the Earth fears Clark. He also killed Lex who was good. They did this mostly to show the difference between nature and nurture and our Clark learned a lot of lessons about himself, and Lex when he got to see this world for himself. Lionel from that universe found his way back into the one we know, so if he is in the finale (which I expect he is) that is how. Same goes for Jonathon who was alive in the other universe, but a bitter lonely man who was left by Martha years ago.

- The villain this season is Darkseid. He is an evil entity which uses fear in people to control them. Oliver is currently under his control and planning on taking away Clark's power with gold kryptonite.

Hmmm I think that is all the incredibly major stuff.

I highly rec the Foundations series. It's a fic where the major plot is the relationship between Draco and Harry. Harry is a healer, and Draco is working in the St. Mungos Chemical Dep ward. Very well done, and I love some of the choices she makes in regards to the characters and why Harry and Draco are the people they are at this point, 5 years after the war. The first part is mostly UST with them building toward a strong friendship, and the second part is established relationship. If you're not into relationship building and prefer super plotty fics though, then this probably isn't for you.


bigmamag May 13 2011, 22:59:55 UTC
my face during SV description:

They've certainly been busy, lol! I suppose that's good because I like him emphasizing with Lex and I've always felt that Clark needed to see how being good isn't an obvious choice all the time. Plus, incest? Alternate universes? Is this like Mirror, Mirror or some shit? :P

I'll have to check that fic out, it looks interesting. It all depends on the writing and the plot, so I can read either super plotty fics or relationship building, depending on how it's presented. Thank you!


From Tortiecat in William and Elyse's forum thebiggest_lie February 8 2012, 19:59:04 UTC
I respect your taste for F/K slash, but I have to say - I really wish you wouldn't recommend that anyone skip most of Seasons 1-2. (I'm glad that you did at least recommend "Victoria's Secret.")

It doesn't matter if the non-Kowalski seasons are "slashy" or not. They're still filled with mostly wonderful episodes, and you really cannot truly understand Fraser unless you see him in Seasons 1-2. You can't understand why Fraser reaches out to Kowalski at the end of "BDTH" and why Fraser acts as he does in several episodes unless you see how Ray Vecchio and Ray's caring friendship for Fraser influenced Fraser. You also can't understand Ray Vecchio in "BDTH" and in "COTW" unless you see him in Seasons 1-2. I'm currently watching the Seasons 3-4 episodes, and I'm really glad I had the Seasons 1-2 knowledge first. Without it, I don't think that I would get much out of Seasons 3-4 (sorry, but "slashiness" isn't enough for me; in fact, I dislike most Due South slash).

Plus - if you're truly a fan of Due South, and not just a Due South slash fan, or a F/K slash fan, then you should recommend the entire show, IMO. It just doesn't make to sense to me to tell someone to skip more than half of the show, even if you know that person likes F/K best of all. TYK!


Re: From Tortiecat in William and Elyse's forum bigmamag February 8 2012, 21:25:43 UTC
I am normally a patient person who doesn't mind addressing anons and who unfailingly gives people the benefit of the doubt. However, I am a bit tired of getting comments from you that all chastise me for not liking the show the way you do.

There is no one way to love a show. I hate several episodes and even one season of Supernatural, yet I love the show to pieces. I don't even have a Due South episode I really hate. In fact, you're preaching to the choir on the importance of seasons 1 & 2. I know damn well how important the first two seasons are and I fell in love with Fraser through them. Just because I happen to like the latter two seasons a little more (mostly because my otp has screen time and I like the pacing/execution a little more) doesn't mean I don't love the first two. It's also insulting that you want to tell me what a "true fan" is and how to advertise a show and fandom to someone. This is my personal journal, not a Due South community or forum. And in this instance, I was recommending the show to a mutual lj friend who I've known a while. In the fandoms we share, we ship the same things almost 99% of the time. So yes, I am going to be biased in this instance.

I'm concerned. This is a comment from eight months ago. I didn't mind you posting once on the subject, but this has been at least the third time, and I'm not counting the times where it might have been you or even a person on my tumblr. If you're the same person, I pity you and bid you to stop harassing me on my journal. If it is you a different person (people) then I'll ask you more kindly to stop commenting unless you have something positive and new to say.


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