Odd dreams and even odder writing victories/woes

Feb 17, 2011 17:48

Dude, awesome yet weird dream. I dreamed of Glee, and I was at their high school for some reason. I don't know but they were all proving something to the football team in this auditorium and they were short a singer, so I stood in and rocked it. Maybe I dug Lauren last night a little too much, lol. And Kurt was there and being fabulous and Karofsky was all ;___; because he won't just join in but then it went to, like, a flashback of his childhood and all I got was his dad worked at a meat packing plant and then I woke up. Yeah, I don't know either but it was still fabulous. Oh yeah, and the song I sang? Freaking "Bye, Bye, Bye." I don't even care for the song and even in the dream I got words messed up, but I still mumbled over them well, IDEK. My dream, my perception of reality I suppose.

Yeah, in case you missed it, I wrote fic on Valentine's day. I woke up really wanting to post something for Valentine's day, so I started a ficlet and hours later I got an entire fic, which shocked me so much that I still glance at it and wonder where it came from, lol. I've really got some writing mojo at the moment, which I'm so taking advantage of.

Speaking of writing, I'm having some random trouble with a couple of things. Next to the title, I think the summary is the most important part of the fic because if you have a shitty summary, people won't want to read it in the first place. How do you guys do summaries? Do you prefer long ones that give you an idea of everything involved, or a short sentence or two? Hell, do some of you just just a bit of catchy dialogue or a song? I seem to prefer the one or two line format, but I was just curious about others.

The other issue I have is a stylistic element. This one comes from the Refractions sequel set in the A universe, a.k.a. the one in which Spock is a director at the VSA. It has already seen a lot of problems, but one of the biggest ones was that I wanted a lot of time to pass between when they say goodbye after the mission to when they see each other in person again, that way I can write what happens to bring them together and have it be believable in that particular universe. I've been struggling with how I was going to show their relationship building, and the first solution was to have them keep up communication by writing to each other, which is nice but the problem is that it's off camera, so you don't really get the feeling that anything is building and instead it sort of jumps from not knowing each other to deep friendship. I had the thought last night to combat this by giving little excerpts of their back-and-forth missives between scenes, snatches of their conversation, etc. Problem is that I don't know how to format that. Do I do ellipsis before and after every line? It would look like:

...you have been quiet recently...

...five men died on that mission...

...you are not to be blamed for the actions of others...

But I don't know if that seems jarring and it looks sort of ugly to the eye. The rest of the fic has the month and location, such as '4 months later - Vulcan,' so I don't know if I should go to the trouble of figuring out a dating system for their messages to show gaps, like when they're speaking live or when there is a long gap between messages, or if I should format it differently. Have any of you had to do something similar? I really want it there because if it's not, then I'd feel obligated to make the fic twice as long and I just don't have enough plot to keep things interesting if that were to happen.

writing, glee, writer's block, dreams, lend me your rears

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