Meme Me, Baby

Jul 11, 2007 18:04

Meme from mona1347's journal:

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

1) How did you come to find fandom? Tell me your fannish "origin story".

Well, my first slash and first fics were BSB, but my first true fandom was Harry Potter.  I had to read the first Harry Potter book for a UIL competition and I got hooked.  The first fic I ever looked at was one that spoiled me for PoA because it revealed Sirius to be good.  The second one was the Draco Trilogy by accident and I didn't even know what the fuck it was.  I read a chapter, went "This isn't Harry/Draco!"  And abandoned it promptly.

2) What do you feel LJ "gives" you? Why are you here? What draws you here, if anything, aside from fandom?

Aside from fandom, not very much.  I'm not a terribly sociable person and if I wanted to form friendships and spill my guts I would have went to the dreaded myspace.  Instead I"m here to find people who like what I like and to gush about how awesome other people's stuff is.

3) If you could only have one object, what would that object be? Assume that you have professional access to all the things you do (i.e. phone, computer, blackberry, etc) and aside from objects you keep for sentimental or functional (blankets, clothes, chairs, mattress, tables) value.

I'm a pretty bare minimum person, so if I'm fed and have the internet, I'm pretty good.  Maybe a music box, I have an unnatural interest in snow globes/music boxes, but it has to play a good song.  I felt Sylar's mom's obsession with her state snowglobes, though I think that's tacky.  I'm more of a diva, I need crystals and expense, baby.

4) What sort of religious attitude were you raised with (which religion, how observant is family/household? How do you feel this influences you and your attitude toward religion today?

My mom was raised Church of Christ and I went there on and off in my childhood.  My dad never went and my  mom always told me bible stories.  My parents were pretty liberal with me.  They let me watch R-rated movies early, never forced me to go to church and now I go once in a while and am a Democrat who lives a moral life but reads dirty fanfic.  I'm thinking that's a win.

5) If you could go back ten years, what would you say to your younger self?

FUTURE SELF:  What in the hell are you doing?
PAST SELF:  Putting these Christmas lights around my first five BSB posters!  
FUTURE SELF:  You do know that constitutes a shrine, don't you?
PAST SELF:  I just like the lights!  
FUTURE SELF:  Take that shit down and never cut your hair short because it's a BITCH to grow back.

(Note:  It was actually my sister who told me a couple of days later to take the crap down.  I need to thank her again, with chocolate.)
Oh yes, and I never pimped a vid my friend did way back there.  It was her first HP vid and it's a H/D vid to the song "Let's Hear it for the Boy".  If you like it, go ahead and tell her because she thinks she sucks and I keep telling her if she'll do more of them she can be one of the best.  Hell, it's WAY better than my first vid. 


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