Due South shipping meta!

Dec 30, 2010 17:00

I know many of you are waiting for more Star Trek meta, particularly the TMP novel analysis (IT'S TAKING SO LONG BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO MISS ANYTHING), but I've been toying with some Due South meta for a while and finally I decided to just post it already, even though it's not the fanciest thing ever and gets rambly. Also, you may notice that this ( Read more... )

slash, meta, fandom, writing, police husbands, due south

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sineala January 2 2011, 20:27:01 UTC
Um... hmm. Sorry about the delay; this was, like, ten years ago and my fannish memory is rusty.

I liked, well, everything by Francesca (the Nature series is the big fandom classic), Resonant, Laura JV, Lemon Drop, Kass, Bone, Aristide/Mairead Triste, Legion, Sihaya Black, Merry, Lanning, Kim Gaspar/MickeyM, Sandy Herrold (who also did good rec pages), Anna S, Helen (the same one who wrote TPM and Sports Night, I think, though I may mean a different one). Basically, most of the people who had sites on trickster.org are/were awesome (and many other people besides). Oh, and that story by Julad where they go to the supermarket. You ought to be able to find all of this stuff by author search on 852 Prospect.

(Ahaha, I just found the one where they go to Vegas.)

Also, if you can track down the stories that were in the Crossroads zine, that might help. It's pretty much a who's who of the big names in TS fandom at the time. (Though from that zine I don't think any of the actual stories went on to hit it big except "A Quiet War," and that also because it kind of went with a Media Cannibals vid for "Walking on a Wire," and yes it was a big deal to have stories with associated vids back then.)

I will also admit a fondness for the work of Callista Echo, but then, I *like* huge cracktastic epics. It's part of the genre of dystopian AUs where there are, like, Sentinel/Guide pairs montitored by the government or whatever. For a better version of that trope, try Control Issues.

To get an idea of how weird TS gen got, you should look up Martha's "The Beach" (I can't find a link right now) and other great works of smarm. Also the GDP series, because my God that was strange. It's basically slash where the author doesn't realize it's slash.

These are my delicious bookmarks, but it's pretty much only stuff I've found since I started deliciousing: http://www.delicious.com/sineala/sentinel

So not much help there, sorry. I have a giant stash of saved text files... that I apparently decided not to label by author. Boo, past me!

Maybe I will ask around LJ for you!


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