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ilmatarlady December 11 2010, 21:52:16 UTC
Oh I hear you on the predictability. As soon as Dean slipped that ring on, all I could think of - no lie - was the second he'll have to reap the little girl in the hospital. Yes, that's how predictable it was. Although I still don't get how he went from "I'll make a wager with Death itself for Sammy's soul" to "never mind Sammy, let's save the stranger instead!" just like that. I mean seriously, Dean came across more than a few gray areas in his experience, how come he didn't see the ~unfair reaping a mile away? But IDK, you might be right. DEAR GOD DEAN; SERIOUSLY??
I facepalmed all over again when Death was all, "we can't fight with the natural order of things"
"Yeah, I get it; little sick girl dies."
"No Dean. Messing with these things always makes ripples you can't control."
"Yeah yeah, I get it; I'll just have to find another way to get Sam's soul back."
Honestly, he's the last guy at your party, the one you're trying to get to leave by using ~sly remarks but instead of getting it and leaving he agrees with you.

So glad Sammy got his soul back. Just like that.
Because we all know that Death is a nice guy, I mean look at all the difficult choices he has to face on a daily basis? (speaking of which, if that BAMF Death is the only one doing that job then hoboy, the average human lifespan would most likely double. I mean, the logistics of his job alone should make him rival Santa's skills! But nvm, this is just a show; HE REAPS EVERYONE PERSONALLY AND WITH GREAT BREAKS IN BETWEEN)
I don't care they pull another deus ex machina out of their asses; I've stuck with this show for six years, through the good and the WTF, I clearly watch it because I enjoy it. So I won't mind how they do it as lonf as they bring back S1-3 Sam & Dean; the ones that were saving people, hunting things. I want to see some Awesome Winchester Brothers Adventures without having to rewatch old episodes! ;__;


bigmamag December 12 2010, 00:40:20 UTC
I don't believe Death takes all souls himself. We've seen reapers and Dean specifically summoned Tessa at the beginning, but yeah now I can't tell what he does. Eat fast food and organize his reaper army? I dunno, maybe he's the one who chooses to die next if a reaper fails like Dean did.

You have summed up my low expectations perfectly. I only forgive the episode because they gave Sammy's soul back. I think I would have been okay with Dean just winning Sam's soul through the freaking lotto just as long as it came back at all because I'm really, really tired of robo!Sam and just SAM since S4 and all the blood drinking and demon screwing. I'll be so, so fucking pissed if the next episode isn't rainbows and sunshine. I've been waiting too long for brotherly love.


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