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austere_mauve December 11 2010, 18:24:59 UTC
I agree it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO predictable; I was kinda waiting for some of it to just end so I could get to real plot, but I gotta say the Bobby thing took me by surprise, I was actually worried about whether or not theyd be okay with getting rid of him in the last season or not cause BOBBYYYYYY D:
Death seems to want to know what the deal with soul collection is though im sure he could have done some investigating on his day off but I guess he's busy so he was gonna send the boys off after it anyway. I dont even care, Death is the most badass character theyve had in ages (except Crowley, I loved that snarky bastard aaarghhh) hes so perfectly sinister, i love it.
Dean is totally dumb as a brick sometimes. Ive always thought of him as a classic case of someone who lets their feelings ruin pretty much everything even when something importants at stake, and come to think of it isnt much of the show based on that?
The clear solution: more Cas. Sheesh. Hes gonna have to show up soon what with the two storylines FINALLY converging which i thought wouldnt happen for a while after they got rid of Crowley.


bigmamag December 12 2010, 00:21:16 UTC
I would have quit right there and turned off the episode if they killed Bobby, no lie. He's practically the only character who has been consistent and awesome and is also deserving of a little happiness.

I do love Death. He's so interesting, claiming to be immortal and that he'll one day reap god as well. I'm now interested to see what else besides Death is everlasting like that. I miss Crowley, even though in the last couple of episodes he's been a bit boring. Oh well, you still own a piece of my heart, bb.

I like Castiel, but he's not my big solution. He's more of an enjoyable side character, better when they use him sparingly and with purpose (dear god did I love the previous episode with his catfight with Sam and the PIZZA BOY PORN. Now there's the Castiel I miss.) My big solution has come about, GETTING SAM'S SOUL BACK. I pretty much operate on Sam and Dean being brothers again, being best friends and having each other's backs. Seriously, it hasn't been that way since season 3, because even at the start of season 4 Sam was hiding shit. I EXPECT SLUMBER PARTIES. THE NEXT EPISODE BETTER JUST BE THEM GOING TO DISNEYLAND OR SOMETHING.


austere_mauve December 12 2010, 18:59:40 UTC
Seriously! I was really worried they thought it would be okay to get rid of him. Not okay!

I must concede, I'm biased as a total Cas Girl, (serious lolwtf at the pizza boy XD) but yeah I like his appearances when they're not totally taking him for granted, Cas has feelings too, boys! But yes, the brothers need to get Sammy his nice soul back and go to disneyland and marine land and all that, eating cotton candy and such cause they need a damn vacation by now eh! Also I feel like Dean would LOVE Disneyland and only be able to contain his glee for about 5 minutes, and of course Sam would be secretly geeking out. There, yes, we've written episode 22.


bigmamag December 13 2010, 00:11:55 UTC
It can't get any worse, so they should just let us write the rest, as you say. That would be our finale, and in the next episode Sam and Dean cuddle and talk about their feelings and then Cas and Bobby shows up and they get cuddled too. We'll call the episode "Brothers in Arms." It will be epic.


austere_mauve December 13 2010, 00:37:03 UTC
HAHAHA that is the most excellent use of that expression I have ever heard, I'm sure. Yes, a big cuddly sleepover and either they watch tacky horror movies and make fun of the inaccuracies or they watch Disney cartoons, I can't decide.


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