Doctor Who

Nov 28, 2010 14:52

Can someone recommend the absolute best episodes, perhaps one or two? I just finished watching the first one, 'Rose', and, well, I thought it was stupid. I don't want to judge an entire show based on one episode, though, so this is why I'm asking for the best. Is this episode even considered good to fans or is this akin to judging all of Star Trek ( Read more... )

halp, channel surfing

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ilmatarlady November 28 2010, 21:16:58 UTC
I know everyone's going to say "Blink".
I'm going to say "Blink" too. But first, I'm going to seriously split infinitives go tl;dr. And rambly.

The first episode I watched was "New Earth", the first one where David Tennant's doctor was introduced. I was hooked from the first five minutes. The episode had everything I could have wanted - and a few things that I really didn't - but when it was finished, I started watching the next one. And then the next.

Not all Doctor Who episodes are good; let's make it clear. I love the series like nobody's business but sometimes it feels like the episodes are clear hit or miss. So basically when it's good; it's fantastic but when it's bad, it takes a sharp turn into cringeworthiness.

How about you give Ten a chance as well - watch "New Earth" and maybe the first episode in the fourth series ("Partners in Crime"). His companion during the fourth series, Donna, is my personal favorite of all time. She's got balls bigger than the Doctor's, and he lead a Time War.

And then maybe if you don't like Ten you could give Eleven a try and watch the first episode of the fifth series? I remember I loved it so much I could barely fall asleep the night after watching it. (I just realized I sound like the most giant fangirl ever. >.>)

So, to sum up, you should give the other Doctors a try as well. Only the first episodes, to get a feel of the series? If it's not taking too much time.
If I was to decide, I'd say pick between the first episodes of the fourth and the fifth series; they have my favorite Doctors and my favorite companions in some of my favorite stories.


quarterwhore November 28 2010, 21:23:31 UTC


karmadownurgun November 28 2010, 21:31:19 UTC
Also butting in to agree. Donna is a fucking GQMF.


ilmatarlady November 28 2010, 21:36:07 UTC


ariadnechan November 29 2010, 01:10:56 UTC
I love Donna to pieces too!!!


quarterwhore November 29 2010, 01:53:32 UTC



bigmamag November 29 2010, 03:39:14 UTC
I think I will give Ten a chance, and starting with the first episode he arrives in sounds perfect. :)

And this Donna has been getting rave reviews, so I'm just happy that the companion changes and we're not stuck with the same person.


morluna November 29 2010, 23:59:08 UTC
Hopping on here to say, yeah the companions do come and go pretty regularly. Also, DONNA IS THE BOMB DIGGITY. I do cosplay of her... and... yeah.. she's basically awesome. Unlike so many of the companions who come in all, "OOOOOH THE DOOOCTOOOORRRR" swooning over him and basically accepting whatever he says as fact, because they're so smitten with his spaceman-ly awesomeness, Donna doesn't take any of his shenanigans. Plus, it's Catharine Tate. She's HILARIOUS. Anyway.

Yeah like others said, I would suggest starting with the first David Tennant episode. I never cared much for 9... eh. And personally, I LOVE Rose. It takes a while to warm up to her, but by the end of her story arc, she becomes just this amazingly awesome character that you can't help but love. So maybe give her another chance? I dunno, a lot of people don't like her, and I can kind of understand why at times. But I love her to pieces.

Okay this is kind of a long list, but these are the episodes I would most suggest watching. Start with the 10th Doctor, and if you like him continue on through seasons 2-4. But if you don't like him, maybe start over at the beginning of season 5 and see if you like Matt Smith better. He's VERY different. The most important thing to remember is that Donna Noble is fucking awesome so you should at least watch 1 episode with her in it. Lol. I would say her best episode is probably... Partners in Crime. Yep. So here goes!

The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances - Season 1 (Really creepy episode, with creepy children, set in WWII)
The Girl in the Fireplace - Season 2 (Three words: Clockwork. Parisian. Courtiers. The Doctor woos Madame de Pompadour)
Doomsday - Season Finale Season 2 (If you still hate Rose by this point, this episode might change your mind?)
The Runaway Bride - Season 3 (First Donna episode)
Partners in Crime - Season 3 (This is a silly episode, but it's also really cute. And Donna is a BAMF in it.)
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead - Season 4 (The Doctor and Donna find themselves mysteriously trapped on a planet-sized library with ravenous shadow creatures. Sounds hokey when ya say it like that, but lol it's a good ep.)
The Eleventh Hour - Season 5 (introduction of 11th Doctor and our new companion, Amy Pond. They are both great in this and BB!Amy is adorable!)
The Beast Below - Season 5 (in the future, humans have taken up residence on blimps, and now live in a dystopian, Orwellian society of oppression. Creepy and awesome!)
Vincent and The Doctor - Season 5 (They visit Vincent van Gogh!)

So those would be my suggestions... Hope you find some episodes and characters you like!


bigmamag November 29 2010, 06:15:29 UTC
I watched "New Earth", and it was all right, nothing spectaular, but damn, "Blink" was fantastic! I think it's obvious I like Ten better than Nine, plus there was no Rose (for some reason she grates. my. nerves.) I'll have to try more. :)


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