New personal canon! (let me share my madness)

Oct 13, 2010 22:18

We all have our own personal canons with Star Trek, specifically K/S. I know there are those who believe Kirk and Spock were accidentally bonded during the events of Amok Time and others who believe Kirk and Spock sexed each other up during the actual mission. My favorite conspiracy theories are the ones that revolve around the lost years, the time when Spock left to undergo the kolinahr and when Kirk accepted a promotion to admiral and a desk job. I think the one thing most fangirls agree on is that it's a very strange time period because these are quite extreme actions to take with little to no explanation behind them. We're never told why Kirk decides to take a desk job nor why Spock suddenly decided to just up and rid all emotions. Nope, not even in the TMP novel. All that tells us about Kirk is that his head has been in a fog the entire time Spock was gone, he had a lover named Lori who was a "comfort" during that first year, and McCoy resigned from Starfleet because Kirk accepted the promotion, and all it tells us about Spock is that he is greatly ashamed of and seeks to purge his human side for good, saying that it was responsible for his pain (and one of these days I'll actually get around to writing all that up because all of this is a whole essay unto itself.)

I was just sitting here, thinking space husbandly thoughts, when I had an epiphany and it's now my personal canon. According to Bigmamag's Unofficial Canon™, the Enterprise is heading back to Earth to be refitted. Kirk and McCoy are in McCoy's office, having a drink and reflecting on the last five years and what kinds of plans they have going for their future. At some point, McCoy randomly mentions Reyna, and Kirk asks, "Who?" McCoy is stunned, and after a bit of back and forth, McCoy discovers that Kirk has no memory of Reyna and McCoy realizes that it's mighty suspicious that just before he left, he mentioned to Spock that he wished Kirk could forget her. Kirk, not fully believing McCoy because Spock would never do something as unethical as that, goes to confront Spock and put his mind at ease. To his horror, Spock admits that he removed Kirk's memory of Reyna. Betrayed, heartbroken, and angry, Kirk leaves. But, you see, Kirk believes that Spock did it out of pure fucked up logic, simply removing a problem in his captain's head. Spock, of course, did it out of love and wanting to relieve Jim of great pain. When they arrived at Earth, Spock leaves abruptly for Vulcan to begin the kolinahr training, believing that Kirk will never wish to see him again, so he even bids Kirk goodbye on the morning he was to complete his training, thinking "Jim! Good-bye t'hy'la. This is the last time I will permit myself to think of you or even your name again." Kirk, on the other hand, is further betrayed by Spock leaving and has a 'good riddance!' attitude for quite a while, actually taking a promotion and a desk job when he fought over and over to stay in command, to stay captain, but subconsciously he knows he can't do it alone, can't be in that center seat without Spock at his side. He is hollow, blank, a mere shell of the man he once was. He learns from rumors and whispers what Spock is doing on Vulcan, and he begins to realize that "he had not really understood how deeply Spock’s abrupt departure for Vulcan had affected him. He had been depending on the Vulcan’s friendship and logic much more than he realized." He won't even let himself think of the word 'love' because that's impossible and he'll never see Spock again anyway. Cue the events of TMP, Spock coming back and Kirk getting wayyy overexcited and desperate to hear Spock say what he should have known all along.

I can't be the first person to think this. Has there been a TOS fanfic along these lines? If not, IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN.

slash, the world according to bigmamag, their love is oh so canon, space husbands

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