Supernatural - what happened to you?

Oct 09, 2010 16:56

God, no spoilers on this one, because who really cares about the details? I am hating this season. If there is one more dull, stupid, character-wrecking episode after this one, I'm done. Maybe I'll mainline the whole thing when it's over, hopefully this being the last year (please let it die with some shred of dignity), but I'll definitely be done enduring them each week.

It hurts like hell because goddamnit, this was my major fandom for almost three years and it's the first one that really got me into the lj side of fandom and communities and such. But look: I survived season four and Sam's character going to shit and having to listen to Ruby all the time and being drowned in Dean's river of tears. There were even some episodes that I wouldn't trade for the world, like Afterschool Special and It's a Terrible Life. I survived the writers not knowing what to do with Castiel and doing a poor job of de-angelfying him in season five. I survived the most boring apocalypse ever, was rewarded with the sweetest brother montage that gave me hope that season 6 would return me to the epicness of the first two seasons.

It was a freaking lie. Simply put, they returned to the monster-of-the-week format, threw in some extra characters and angels to kill off, and took all the heart out of what made the first seasons so damn good. I just. Don't. Care. Even when I was raging in season four and slowly getting out of fandom the last two years, I at least cared. I would rather be angry than bored. If I don't give a shit about Sam or Dean and the little interest I had in the episode was for the angels, then it's no longer Supernatural but some bad fanfic. I mean, just compare this third episode of season six to the third episode of season one, Dead in the Water, and you tell me how this looks like logical character progression. When a show/movies series/book series is written correctly, you can compare the 'then' and 'now' and see how the characters grew and expanded and have become deeper. You've cocked it all up when the two are unrecognizable next to each other .

So yeah, one more episode. To be honest, it's going to have to be pretty darn good to keep me afloat. I can feel that at one point I'm going to do the same thing with SPN that I did with Smallville, only including the first three seasons as my personal canon. Sure one or two seasons after that were tolerable and had their occasional bright spots, but just like I pretend that Lex is still collapsed on a shattered table and Clark is naked in a bubble-thing, I think I'll pretend that Dean went to hell but something intervened besides angels because even if I like Castiel just fine, I can do without practically every other one and I can certainly do without demon blood and Ruby. And in my canon, Sam has cool powers. Remember those? The moving shit and telekinesis and visions and shit? Do demons have surprise!visions? What a lost fucking opportunity that was.

this is a disastuh, spn reaction, wtf, rant

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