May 06, 2010 23:02


Fuck y'all, that was a damn good episode! It started out really slow with the Pestilence boringness (seriously, all the green vomit? I didn't know if I watch watching The Exorcist or Nickelodeon, but damn it got better. It's taken all season for a horribly slow and unimpressive build up, but I finally felt in this episode that the end was nigh. Castiel is human, and that wasn't a surprise but it's nice to see it. He was such a BAMF when he chopped off Pestilence's finger. Hell yeah, bb got a little angel in him still!

Then the Oh Death montage. So bad ass, I love when episodes will do mini-music videos, if they're awesome. Crowley OWNS MY SOUL...and Bobby's. D: But OMG, he took a picture of him kissing Bobby! I swear my love for this demon grows by the minute. Am I the only one who was actually a little scared in this episode? That's an old feeling, because I'm scared that either Bobby or Castiel will die, especially Bobby whose soul is currently sold. I don't really trust Crowley. It was also predictable that Bobby would walk again, but the scene still made me very happy.

And Death! I love the twist, that he gave the ring to Dean, that Death is possibly older than God and that God will die (if Death is to be believed, of course.) I also like the mention of other universes. I'm hungry for pizza now, that shit looked damn good.

And finally, the end scene and Dean outright lying to Death. Now this is what I missed most of all, Dean caring so much about his brother. Dean's afraid of losing him, and who knows what the fuck will go on next week. :O Oh dear GOD, I'm so excited, I may piss myself. 

Also, is there any place to watch The CW live online? We have satellite TV again, and it doesn't let us get the CW. We also can't get the local channel because we live in the sticks. Please tell me I won't have to wait to watch it next week. :/

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