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bigmamag April 9 2010, 21:13:37 UTC
Name/user name:bigmamag
Age: 25
Location Texas
Why do you ship K/S? Mostly, because they're epic. I have been in many fandoms, but Kirk/Spock is by far the most convincing and obvious ship of them all. It's as close to canon as slash can possibly get. Furthermore, it gives me warm, fuzzy feelings, and makes me batshit insane enough to constantly post, write, vid, and fangirl about them. It's likely I'll be a fan for many years, if not forever
TOS, reboot, or both? BOTH. And it's awesome because it's like having two separate fandoms, but not really. There is always something to fit my mood.
Shatner or Nimoy? Pine or Quinto? If you nailed me down and forced me to choose? First of all fuck you for that, and second...Nimoy and Quinto. I suppose I'm Spock-sexual. Though trust me, I love them all. Shatner and Pine? They make me always say DAT ASS.
What other trek pairings do you ship? Not many, really. I dig a little Spock/Chapel in TOS, maybe Spock/McCoy on a good day, and of course Scotty/Uhura.
Other fandoms? Lord, let's see. Currently Supernatural (gen, wincest), House (House/Wilson), Psych (Shawn/Lassiter, gen), and Due South (Fraser/Kowalski). Some others I was in but have either lost interest or don't play in as much are Smallville (Clark/Lex), Merlin (Arthur/Merlin), and Harry Potter (Harry/Draco, others).
What can people expect in your journal? Mostly fandom stuff. I post a little about RL every now and then, but my journal is strictly for fannish things. I do some creative things every now and then, and I mostly talk about Kirk and Spock and Star Trek, so I'm pretty sure this is relevant to many people's interests. Oh, and I love sparkle text, macros, and gifs. What can I say, I like to laugh and I like shiny things.


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bigmamag April 9 2010, 21:36:22 UTC
How can I say no to someone who gifts me with custom icons? :D


nahara April 9 2010, 22:52:58 UTC
I know I've seen you around the Merlin fadom (in fact, I think I made most of my closest Merlin buddies through one of your Merlin friending memes - so thank you for that, and thank you for this). So yeah, you're already in my good books... but furthermore I agree with your K/S monogamy!love and generally ALL THE ABOVE. (Have particular fondness of the idea of laughter and shinies, too.) Anyways, this is just a very long winded comment to ask one thing: Friends?


bigmamag April 10 2010, 00:33:25 UTC

Friends. :) I've fallen a bit out of Merlin fandom, but ST is more than enough love for me right now.


beedlebarg April 10 2010, 00:38:09 UTC
You are awesome for doing this. Plus, Spock-sexual? Yes please :D


bigmamag April 10 2010, 00:45:08 UTC
Oh yes indeed. :D



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bigmamag April 10 2010, 02:02:06 UTC
Yes. :P I love being contrary and vaguely schizophrenic.


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bigmamag April 10 2010, 12:22:41 UTC
Nope, totally ship them! :D


ladyicsaylis324 April 10 2010, 05:45:05 UTC
Close to? Hon, K/S IS canon! Haven't you seen Shore Leave? Or Amok Time? And don't even get me started on Search for Spock.

It's also nice to see some older fandoms out there. You're not the only one with Harry/Draco and Clark/Lex in their past, though Arthur/Merlin hasn't quite decided to let go of me just yet.


bigmamag April 10 2010, 12:29:30 UTC
My mind was thinking reboot, apologies! :P LOL, and you're preaching to the choir, as I'm guilty of having a 'their love is oh so canon' tag.

Old fandoms are some of the best fandoms...in their time. :)


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bigmamag April 10 2010, 12:31:57 UTC
Yep, decision easily made when I saw your spn reaction. Seriously, what the fuck was that ending? D:


nix_this April 11 2010, 03:24:26 UTC
Friended you before, love you double plus more for hosting this :)


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