Requiem for Methuselah: In which a single slash scene can make it worth watching a shitty episode

Apr 06, 2010 21:23

Before I start in, if you're a big fan of both Star Trek and satire, there was this awesome episode parody written for this episode and I just had to physically scan and share with you guys. It's called Requiem for a Hack. It had me laughing my freaking ass off.

I subjected myself once again to the episode Requiem for Methuselah. I had only seen ( Read more... )

slash, meta, their love is oh so canon, tos, space husbands, 40 years too late episode reaction

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bigmamag April 7 2010, 03:29:11 UTC
Ooh, now you've got me thinking, I likey. :D

I think that it's definitely a case of good intentions, because why be jealous? Unlike in City on the Edge of Forever, Spock didn't really display a lot of jealousy in this episode, which may be a reason why he was motivated to wipe Kirk's memory, because they only knew Rayna for a few hours in comparison to a few days, and she wasn't even a human, but that isn't the biggest reason at all.

It's so against Spock's nature that it's not even funny. kaiidth, what is, is, is an ingrained concept in Vulcan philosophy, and this is the exact opposite. Spock is changing what is, and I think Spock has three reasons to wipe Kirk's memory:

1.) Kirk specifically said, 'I wish I could forget her.'
2.) Spock most likely wishes he himself could forget as easily.
3.) Based on numbers 1 and 2, Spock is in love with Kirk and that makes him do desperate and crazy things, like jump in the way of darts and risk the ship to get Kirk back.

My theory on why Spock left to complete the kolinahr is that he began to recognize that his feelings for Kirk were illogical and were making his human side dominant, and I have totally been taking notes on the TMP novel and it completely supports this theory because, well, I'll write that up sometime soon. :P GOOD LORD, I NEED TO SLOW DOWN FANGIRLING, I MAY BREAK SOMETHING IMPORTANT, LIKE MY BRAIN AND I DON'T LOOK GOOD IN GREEN JUMPSUITS AND FREAKY HEADGEAR.


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