
Feb 11, 2010 21:14

It started off kind of whatever, then went kind of cool. I loved naked huggy cupid(lol), I approve of all the Castiel that was in the episode. Famine was appropriately creepy and weird, the deaths were that good old gory kind, and the episode was pretty good.

Until the end.

What the FUCK was that? More Dean crying? Look, we all know I love Dean and last year I was all team Dean. But this episode really pissed me off. Yes, Sam drank demon blood, and that's bad. But Sam turned from it when it was on the knife and the only real reason he drank that other demon blood was because of freaking FAMINE. And when it counted, when he could have given into his base desires like everyone else in this episode and drink more demon blood, he didn't, and instead said 'no', defeated Famine, and then went straight into rehab. And then Dean has the nerve to sit there and say 'I just don't know' about Sam, and then go into the parking lot and cry like a little bitch.

W.T.F. This shit is stupid. Dean is an asshat. It's like they're purposefully trying to make me dislike Dean now since I've started to love Sam again. Really unimaginative, writers. I'm tired of all this Dean vs. Sam and Dean crying and their stupid destinies and then

And this just occurred to me: Did they actually mean to imply that John and Mary's great love for each other was engineered? What a fucking rip off. I'm not one for romance, but for them to insinuate that it was all fake just so Sam and Dean could be born? Now I can't remember good episodes with John and feel sorry about him losing his Mary. Nope, it was all heaven's fault. How freaking nihilistic is this show? There is like, no hope whatsoever. Another reason why it's just not as good as it used to be. It's freaking depressing; you have to put in a couple of bright spots. The best bright spot? Was Sam and Dean's bond, and now they don't even really have that. Fuck you, show.

And to make this night better, check out this anonymous comment to that love meme:

I've seen you post in ONTD_ST and SPN and you bother me. K/S is a ship, not canon and Wincest is just disgusting! DISGUSTING! THEY ARE BROTHERS! I hope you dont have kids.

Dude, who flames in a love meme, and am I really that interesting that people feel the need to flame me? I'm strangely proud, I've never been properly flamed before, lol.

sammy!, spn reaction, rant

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