Doctors and macros and spies, oh my!

Jan 12, 2010 09:00

Holy shit, today is quite the day of creativity and talkiness for me. First of all, I managed to miss both House and Chuck last night, and now I'm confused as to why I'm behind three episodes of Chuck. So confused. I have also finished a fan vid that's been plaguing me since the beginning of September, so after I made credits and clean up it up a bit, I'll be posting that later today. I also got bit by the macro bug because the first challenge at st_respect  is macros and as I went along I kept thinking up shit as I skimmed through some TOS episodes for canon fodder, so I have lots of those to post as well. I don't know if either of my macros will actually be good enough to be voted into representing Team Spork when there's other awesome stuff, so hopefully it's not a breach of rules to post those two macros over here. I've been so productive lately, go me!

I am going to come right out and say that when I read the episode description for this episode before downloading, that House and Wilson would be fighting over a girl, I wasn't looking forward to watching it. Needless to say, I didn't have shit to get annoyed about. That was the funniest shit I've seen in a while, and I had an epiphany while watching.:

I honestly do not mind thinking of House and Wilson as bromance. Yes, they're slashy as hell, but in all honesty, I would be perfectly happy with them just like this, two tigers short of an act in Vegas, living together, being suggestive as hell and awesome. I want them to grow old together and be grumpy old men sitting in rocking chairs on their front porch, because they need each other and they go together, even in a non-buttsex way. I know, I'm shocked at myself too. As long as there's no House/Cuddy or pointless romances, I'm so in that. Why does every person have to have romance? To me, it would be fitting if House doesn't 'get the girl' and Wilson never tries his hand at marriage again, what with three divorces and the death of Amber, because this show is right up my cynical alleyway and it balances out how I fangirl about other things. In more shallow news, good fucking Christ on a bike, Chase is looking FINE. I would so hit that on the rebound, mmm hmmm.

And now a bunch of new Star Trek macros, plus some old gifs that I'm not sure I've shared on here before. Pretty much all are TOS with a couple of STXI.

macros, vidding, chuck, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, photoshopping whore, gifs, it's not lupus

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