Yuletide Santa letter

Dec 25, 2009 19:27

Got my assignment today and I won't say who I got of course, but it's hilarious because I know them. So anyway, my letter is below the cut for whomever needs it.

Dear Yuletide Writer:

I'm totally doing this classic dance right now in anticipation of awesome fic!

About me

Basically I am a slasher. Chances are that if you write slash, I will be a happy bunny. Gen is my second favorite with het being the last (unless it's a special pairing.) It's hard to say what I prefer since I read both depressing and schmoopy things, so basically breaking down my four requests is a good idea because my preferences depend on the fandom.

The Requested Fandoms

Deathwatch- This fandom got one offer, so if you're doing this one, HO SHIT THAT'S DOPE, Nimoy FTW! I said that I wanted a kind of coda for the movie. It ends on a very depressing note, with Greeneyes hating Jules and Jules saying that he'll be alone. Frankly, I don't care if it's a completely dark, fucked up ending or a happy, bright, happy ending, just as long as it's resolved. I can go pretty dark, as I've read and liked a Hard Core Logo fic in which a character kept the corpse of someone who died. Wow, writing that made me feel like a creep, lol. But really, as long as its written well, I can take a lot of sick strange shit. As for being happy, I don't like things that are TOO sweet, like making the characters OCC, but I wouldn't say no to Greeneyes helping Jules break out of prison or Jules surviving at all.

Bridge to Terabithia- This one ended sad, and I say het or gen because I think if they grew up they may have found love, but since that never happens, it's a moot point, really. I basically just want to see a grown up Jesse, despite my ramblings in the prompt. Just give me Jesse in any form and I'll be okay. It can even be a sad Christmas fic where he's working at Kinko's and sits alone in his apartment visiting ghosts, just as long as we get to see how he grows up.

Everworld Series- I think I ship any of the four characters, LOL. Basically, whatever you write is fine with me, though I do admit to liking slash more. I was obsessed with them getting a TV, and I just want this to happen. It can even be just an honorable mention in the fic and I'd be cool, actually. Gen is always accepted. :D

A Knight's Tale- Give me that William/Kate stuff! I just really hated William/Jocelyn and it was the only part of the movie I hated. You can write this however you want, even give them the crackiest premise in the world (for some reason Kate getting kidnapped by a dragon makes me lol) but I'm okay with anything as long as its these two getting together.

In conclusion

I am very easy to please. Chances are that if you really want to write a story, I'll really want to read it. Don't stress yourself out, and if you really want to know what I find interesting, just cruise my journal for a bit and you'll get a feel for how I roll.

yuletide, fandom

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