A couple of K/S slash nuggets for your Sunday

Sep 27, 2009 09:17

I have a new 'their love is oh so canon' tag, just to chronicle all this Kirk/Spock shit I keep discovering. Seriously, every day I learn or think up something new.

I finished reading the Star Trek: TMP novel, and besides the earth shattering shit I mentioned in a previous post, there wasn't anything too huge that happened after that point.

However... )

slash, shaking and crying, meta, their love is oh so canon, space husbands

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spookyfbi September 28 2009, 13:42:25 UTC
Found this post through trek_news

You now what I love about the novel? Not only does Gene Roddenberry feel the need to draw out attention to the fact that Kirk & Spock are holding hands FOUR times (y'know, like it's an important part of the plot or something, to know that Kirk and Spock are holding hands), but there's also a scene later where Kirk notices Decker and Ilia holding hands, like that's somehow significant to him - like it tells Kirk something about the nature of Decker and Ilia's relationship.

I also love how the book hits you over the head like a dozen times how Kirk is not the Captian he once was ever since he was promoted and if only he could get the Enterprise back, maybe he'll be alright. And then once he's on the Enterprise, he's still a shitty Captain and every other character with a name notices and had those 3 years really done this much to him? Then Spock shows up and BAM, Kirk is once again Captain Awesome, see all he needed was to be on board the Enterprise again, because it was being separated from the Enterprise that made Kirk dead inside. And it was just a coincidence that the change happened just as Spock turned up...


bigmamag December 29 2009, 19:26:23 UTC
I can't believe I never replied to this, so it's belated reply time! :)

God yes, there's this essay in which the author speculates that Decker/Ilia was a mirror of K/S, and even though it's a stretch, it's rather convincing, especially in light of this novel.

It sort of flew over my head the first time I watched TMP, mostly because I was amazed at how long it took to film Kirk actually getting to the Enterprise, but holy crap, there was like a 360 degree change when Spock came aboard. I mean, Kirk insisted that there was to be a Vulcan as science officer. Missing someone much, Spock?


spookyfbi December 30 2009, 03:57:57 UTC
:D I wrote that essay!
Heh, the whole time I was watching that, i was waiting for slashy subtext. I'd already read about Kirk's reaction to Spock arriving, so I wanted to see if there was more, and there totally was!


bigmamag December 30 2009, 04:14:21 UTC
LMAO, I didn't even look at the username! :P Well, enjoy the back-handed compliment then! =)


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