Tomorrow on
ontd_startrek is anarchy day, which is when the mods let you post just about anything you want and it doesn't have to be Star Trek related. I know for sure I'm doing a Due South post and if no one else does it first, a little Psych post. \o/ This shit is going to be epic. Then again, when are things not epic here?
You know, I realize that a good portion of my f-list is annoyed that I post about Star Trek all the time, and I'd say I'm sorry if I was sorry at all. This is the best fandom I've been a part of so far, and I can't even begin to explain how amazing everything is. I mean, it's like I have two fandoms rolled into one, and there's just so much to do and to see. So if it bothers you enough, you can always defriend. I'd completely understand, as I'd probably be annoyed too if I were you. At least I'm still gleefully watching SPN. I was afraid that I wouldn't be a few months ago.
Also, was re-reading a fanfic that had the Vulcan word ozh'esta, which I gathered meant Vulcan kissing. I looked it up out of boredom and interest and
The Vulcan Language Dictionary defines it as thus:
Vulcan English Description Category
ozh'esta finger embrace touching the index and middle fingers between bondmates and/or t'hy'la phrase
Bondmates and/or t'hy'la.
Bondmates and/or t'hy'la.
Bondmates and/or t'hy'la.
Bondmates and/or t'hy'la.
Yep, it's about as subtle as being slapped in the face with a fish. I had to literally walk away from the computer, because I was so amazed that it's so fucking obvious. And you wonder why I'm ruined for other slash.