This shit is just too good to be true

Sep 17, 2009 21:01

Has Kripke read my mind?  I think at least 90% of this episode was tailored to meet my approval.

*There's y'all in the title of tonight's episode.  I know.  =)

*Bobby!!!!!  Please to be getting use of your legs.  He is so in character about it all, I will smack a bitch if they don't make him mobile soon.

*CASTIEL, HOMG, if last week's episode didn't ping my gaydar, this one fucking BROKE IT.  Motherfucker killed two of his angel brothers, turned from all he knew, is renegade and it was all for his own moral satisfaction....just kidding, it was all for DEAN.  Holy shit, dig me a hole and bury me because that is some prime slash right there.  That's the motherfucking filet mingon of the slashing world.

*Lol fratbread.  I  ♥ Castiel.

*Rufus!  Man, I was about to go on a racism rant when I thought Rufus was really out to get Sam like Gordon was.  I was like, why's it always gotta be the brother?  But lo, it was not, so I am appeased.   But still, bring back Henrickson.  *waves battered and worn flag*

*Ellen and Jo.  Well, that was awesome I suppose.  I'm just happy they didn't delve too deeply into shipping Jo/Dean.  Seriously, after what the hell Dean has went through since she last saw him, there really is, for sure, no hope that she'll ever understand him when she didn't even fully get it back in season two.

*Horsemen thing was pretty lame, but whatevercakes, I'm used to it.  I'll just cling to the arrival of condom-sheathed Lucifer apearing soon.

*But MAN, if the Castiel/Dean wasn't slashy, then there was NO CHANCE that Sam and Dean were not.  Seriously, they are so going through a terrible break up.  And the sad part is, they still love each other more than anyone else, but now have got all this angst and lies and angst puppies.  And you know, it really hurts me that Dean didn't shoot off after Sam and later said that he can't focus on the job with Sam around, but really he's actually right about this one, and hear me out, it's not because he doesn't care.  See, unlike when he would run in and go to hell to save Sam, Dean is finally starting to realize that this is not a healthy thing to do, which yay for Dean for getting some smarts.  Also there is the trust thing, but most of all, he has to worry about Sam more now than ever, not just for his safety but for his soul, for his jeopardized moral compass.  But BAAAWWWW, Sam saying he expected a fight, and I so did too.  Dammit Dean, at least make it seem harder.  I love you, I'm on team Dean, but man, harsh.

*I don't give a fuck what others think, I'm excited about next week's episode because DEAN AND CASTIEL HUNTING.  Look, I can ship two things at the same time and we all freaking know the brothers will be good by the end of the season.  Just let me frollic in DEAN AND CASTIEL HUNTING land for a while.  PLEASE SHOW, GIVE ME DEAN SHOWING CASTIEL A GOOD TIME, in either a sexytimez way or, you know, taking him for a beer.

shaking and crying, spn reaction

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