Oh youtube, never change

Aug 02, 2009 14:51

Paused in a little house cleaning to surf youtube, and found two videos that I just had to share, one scary as hell and one that is cute as hell.

Seriously, this is the most WTF thing I've seen in a while. Pedo bear approved!  D:

image Click to view

And otters, just wait for it. Reminds me of the Due South fic First One Thing, Then the Otter.  :D

image Click to view

And flist, anyone know of Star Trek vidding communities?  I'd so love a contest where people would make TOS vids, except they'd have to make them with songs from like the 60s or earlier.  Kind of like if fangirls in the 60s and early 70s had PCs and youtube.   Can you tell I'm on an oldies music kick right now?  :P

seriously sick shit, vidding, tos, halp, wtf, youtubing

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