lol whut

Jul 28, 2009 19:16

Today's not so bad, I'm actually having a nice day far. Let me count the ways:

1. Woke up to check my e-mail and I usually don't bother with looking at yahoo horoscopes because I don't believe in them and they're usually stupidly dull, but today's made me feel good: Your friends just think you're the greatest. Probably because you are pretty great. It certainly knows how to stroke a tiny ego.

2. I now see everyone's fascination with that NaNoWriMo Word Meter because I went to put in what my big bang word count is after writing some more today, and I'm amazed that it was exactly at 50%. I still have until September 15th, this is fucking amazing for me. I'll probably go past the traditional 20,000 mark for this fic and it will officially be the longest damn thing I've ever written. I hope others like it because I sure enjoy it.

7550 / 15000 words. 50% done!

3. All in all I'm okay with just a plus account. At least I don't waste ten minutes figuring out which icon I want to use and thanks to the firefox ad blocker, I see no ads, so fuck everybody else, lol.

4. Except for being stuffed up still, I feel a lot better health-wise.

5. Played Trouble, bitches. Hell yeah you're jealous of my bubble-popping skillz.

6. Watched Dogma for the first time today. Funny shit. :D I read somewhere that they were going to cast Matt Damon for Kirk. D:   DNW.  Anywho, now this gif is even funnier than before I saw Dogma.

big bang, writing, whut, bigmamag needs the help, hellz to the yes

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