I'm back after my teeny vacation hiatus and I feel much MUCH better about the world! I missed a few birthdays, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE FOLLOWING GQ MOTHERFUCKERS:
danegen ,
ink_blots_101 ,
chibi_saru11 , and
ego_chan !!!
I'll be doing a super fast skim of the flist today and get myself back on track socially. I miss the internets like woah so excuse this post for it's overall silliness and hilarity. I'm just in the mood to laugh this morning.
So what did I do on my time away? I got out of the house, went on walks, chilled at my sister's house with my bad ass niece while her parents were at work (I totally got my fat ass in a kid's swimming pool, it was very fun and silly,) and I FINALLY convinced my sister and brother-in-law to go see Star Trek with me. They were really doubtful about it, mostly because they, like me, had never really seen or heard much about Star Trek at all before watching. Some amusing things that occurred or, their reactions:
SISTER: Is Yoda in this?
BROTHER-IN-LAW: Did they say jerk off?
ME: Chekhov.
BROTHER-IN-LAW: I'm still calling him jerk off because that's funnier.
SISTER: *Spock appears with mom* No wonder you love Spock, he wears ugly sweaters his mom knits for him.
ME: I crochet, not knit.
SISTER: You still want to crochet him a beanie, don't you?
ME: That...would be EPIC.
SISTER: *Kirk appears* Hot damn he's hot!
*het turbolift scene*
SISTER: Uhura must have a big crush on her teacher.
ME: *is pleased that she's not the only one who was confused and then assumed that it wasn't that big a deal*
SISTER: OMG, what'd he do with that fine ass Kirk??
ME: He was being mutinous, so Spock rocketed his ass to an ice planet.
SISTER: *flapping hands* But he needs to get back and help and be friends with Spock! They're going to be friends, right?
BROTHER-IN-LAW: What the hell is that?
ME: *stumped at name*
SISTER: It's a little green dude!
BROTHER-IN-LAW: Are you sure yoda isn't in this?
SISTER: *is glued to the screen* Don't choke Kirk! You're going to be friends! Why doesn't someone help?
ME: Because they are secretly enjoying it?
SISTER: Bunch of pervs. (LOL, I didn't even mean it like that)
BROTHER-IN-LAW: *does Vulcan hand gesture*
SISTER: *critiques his form*
BROTHER-IN-LAW: That was a sweet ass movie. Thank god yoda wasn't in it.
In other news, I shall pimp this.
If this shit is even half as good
ontd_startrek , it will be worth it. I mean, I can get lost on
ontd_startrek for hours and it's so fucking epic and fun and wonderful that at one point it turned a potential wank post into a party post and the initial wanker played along and it was AWESOME TO BEHOLD.
ALSO, I refuse to cut this as a spoiler because it's been weeks since the SPN finale and if you've seen it at all, it's not a spoiler but totally logical, so stop reading if you haven't watched yet.
They've got a casting call out for Lucifer, bitches. If they could somehow get Michael Rosenbaum for this role, I could never hate this show. Seriously, they could have Ruby return riding on Bela's back and it wouldn't matter.
So in preparation and to garner some support, I made one of those in-your-face macros for it: