Star Trek TOS: City on the Edge of Forever

May 29, 2009 19:59

When I think that I spam my journal too much with posting every day, I say fuck it because it's bought and paid for and I figure if people are annoyed, they can defriend me or scroll past ones that don't interest them, easy as pie. You don't have to read every silly entry I post even if you're my bestest internet friend.

I watched City on the Edge of Forever for a second time (don't worry, I've watched some other ones so I'm very slowly getting there) and a few slashy and interesting things popped out at me. They were so interesting that I felt the need to post about it and include some pictures to either entice others to watch or to remind those who have seen it of what I'm talking about.

I love this episode, and it's a viewer favorite for obvious reasons. Basically, Kirk and Spock go back to the depression era to retrieve McCoy. While stuck there, they were normal clothes, work for a tiny apartment in which they're roomies, and then they have to let a woman (who Kirk 'falls in love with' in a week, basically) die so that the future isn't screwed up. I'm a whore for time travel stories, especially ones that are unique like this one, and there is the never-ending amusement of characters so out of place of their own world that they stick out like sore thumbs. Here's a laundry list of interesting things:

--When they first arrive, Kirk points out that they do not fit in, obviously. Spock says that it will be difficult to hide himself, in any case. It may mean nothing or everything, but the body language sure is interesting. Spock crosses his arms after saying this, and Kirk puts a hand on his arm.

It seems very odd for Spock to do this, because Spock mostly sees human emotion as silly and tries very hard to be more Vulcan and hide that half of his genetics, so it's interesting that he crosses his arms, a universally defensive and pseudo-relaxed gesture.  Kirk, very typical of his personality, says if someone asks, then they’ll just find a way to explain it (I.e., they’ll just ‘wing it.’) and Spock, bless him, is totally snarky and human when he responds, “That should prove interesting.”  When they encounter a policeman and Kirk bumbles through explaining Spock away as a Chinese (LOL) man who had his ears caught in a rice picker, Kirk points out that Spock was enjoying Kirk's discomfort.  And he totally was amused.  Not particularly slashy, but damn is it a fun scene.

--Spock tucking his regular shirt into his regular human pants is kind of hot, and I’m not even attracted to Leonard Nimoy.

--More playful banner:  Kirk wondering if Spock can build a computer, and Spock scoffing at the technology of the times.  Kirk turns away and says, with a playful look on his face, “Sometimes I expect too much of you.”  Which Spock answers with a hilarious lifted eyebrow.  And notice that he does indeed try for the rest of the episode to build a computer.  Competitive bitch.  :P

--After meeting the Edith lady (I can’t help liking her, even with the Mary Sueness.  She sounds like Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady when she learns how to speak in that proper way), they get in line to get the free meal served and when they get to their table, Spock has two forks, one for Kirk.  THEY ARE TOTALLY MARRIED AND KIRK ALWAYS FORGETS HIS UTENSILS because he holds it up shortly like, ah yes, forgot, thank you Mr. Spock for always remembering to take care of me.

-After Edith talks, Kirk, with a smitten look, tells Spock that he finds her “most uncommon, Mr. Spock” and immediately looks to her again.  Spock’s face is one for the record book.  He looks up at her like, “You boyfriend-stealing ho.”  Mind you, this is before he really knows a thing about her role in history or how she must die for the good of mankind.

--DOMESTICITY KINK AHEAD.  "Hi honey, I'm home!"

--Notice that Kirk reaches into the grocery bag and pulls out two phallic symbols.  Hello bread loaf and sausage.  Also, notice what the big meaty sausage points directly to.  You just can't make this shit up.

It can't get any gayer.  Oh wait, there’s only one bed.  Too bad Spock can go days or even weeks without sleeping.  /o\  But still, that lady doesn’t wonder about their sleeping arrangements just a little?

--Then Edith barely knocks before coming in (she obviously hasn’t known them long enough to realize you wait a few, just in case.)  She looks at the computer Spock is constructing and asks what it is.  Spock truthfully tells her “I am endeavoring to construct a mnemonic (??) memory server using stone knives and bear skins.”  God I love it when Spock is snarky.  And then Kirk looks back at him like, “Honey, you’re embarrassing me in front of a female that I’m totally interested in having sex with.  No really, I am."

- Spock “borrows” a set of jeweler tools to do fine tuned work.  Edith confronts him and Spock assures her, logically, that they’ll be returned by the morning.  Before she can say much to that, Kirk confidently says, “If Mr. Spock says that he needs the tools and they’ll be returned in the morning, you can bet your reputation on that.”  Defend yo man, bb!

--I especially can’t hate Edith when she says the slashiest thing in the entire episode.  Curious about where they come from, she questions it.  Spock asks her, “Where do you estimate we belong?”  She tells him, “You?  At his side, as if you’ve always been there and always will.”  This was so gay that I swore that the screen glowed pink for a few minutes after that.  Also, this whole scene, Spock kept giving so many jealous looks.

SPOCK IS SAD PUPPY.  And then after lingering looks between Edith and Kirk, Spock says, "I'll finish with the furnace" and he SO FEELS LEFT OUT.  Gah, then they both leave and he looks all wounded and alone from the furnace and the next scene just HAPPENS to be Kirk and Edith holding hands.

--All right, so ostensibly in this one, Spock is only looking at Kirk like this because he saved Edith from falling down some stairs.  But with this particular look, Edith has just kissed Kirk and after this look, he goes back into the room.

Then he comes out of the room again, not one minute later, and says he didn’t mean to eavesdrop.  Anyone else catch this head scratcher? Wouldn't you have to have been still eavesdropping to know when to come out again? What was Spock doing, waiting right behind the door for Kirk to come back?  I mean I know he has sharper hearing, but sheesh.

--Very interesting how they beam out at the end.  Kirk and Spock are both up front while the rest of the party is in back. Spock actually walks up from the back to be by Kirk's side.  Edith sure had one thing right.  :D

*LOL, halfway through writing this my dad yelled from the living room, "What the fuck, this sucks!"  I went in there and he had apparently just finished the season finale of Supernatural.  LOL.  Apparently Dad doesn't like cliffhangers either. 

slash, family, their love is oh so canon, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, space husbands, picspam, whut, 40 years too late episode reaction

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