New layout and dreamwidth

May 17, 2009 14:11

I changed my Meriln layout to a STAR TREK 2009 one, complete with new mood theme. Don't worry Merlin fans; I save all my past layouts and will probably rotate these two since they are my favorite.  This one was just so easy to make and I couldn't resist.




Also, I'm on dreamwidth now as bigmamag (what is the html tag for dreamwidth links on lj?)  Please add me to your circle or comment with your dreamwidth user name so I can find you bitches.  Right now I don't really know what I'm going to do with dreamwidth, whether I'll use it as back up or something else.  The way I'm going now, I may as well make it my Star Trek journal.  :P

ahaha, my current music is Spock's song.  I AM OFFICIALLY A DORK.

layout, dreamwidth

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