I am such a follower

May 13, 2009 14:46

Saw Star Trek yesterday.  I wanted to be just a little smart and act like I understood anything about the movie at all, so I checked out a Kirk/Spock manifesto and watched a couple of old episodes before going and after seeing the movie, wanted more.  Zachary Quinto was SMOKING and Christopher Pine'S eyes were very blue.

And finding this random old ( Read more... )

slash, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, dork, random, faggotry, recs, whut, *facepalm*

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sineala May 14 2009, 01:24:09 UTC
Welcome to K/S. It gets better, I'm telling you. Forty years of fandom awesome.


bigmamag May 14 2009, 03:14:33 UTC
It's so intimidating but lovely! I never, ever thought I'd be in this fandom in any way at all. I've watched episodes of TOS now (and I even know what that means) and I think it's lovely.

Are there, like, classic Kirk/Spock stories that are like the big huge fics that everyone in this long ass fandom has read and loved? I'd love to read one or two of those.


sineala May 14 2009, 03:58:52 UTC
A lot of the really classic stuff is in zines. (Not that I've read most of it either; I'm just saying...)

Hmm. Everything Killa has written -- you can't go wrong with "Turning Point" and "Full Circle." ("Bitter Glass" was probably the first K/S story I ever read, and I love it to pieces, but it requires a knowledge of canon up through the movie Generations, so it may not make much sense. Plus, I wouldn't want to spoil you.)

She also has a vid to "Closer" -- you've probably seen it; everyone has by now -- that is entirely awesome, and a vid to "Dante's Prayer" about Star Trek III that generally makes me want to cry whenever I watch it. Neither of these are on the web anymore, I think. Sad.

The Foresmutters' Project hosts some old, old zinefic. The smutty stuff is here. Leslie Fish's "Shelter" is one of yer classic pon farr stories. I particularly like Ray Newton's "The Prize" there -- it's a K/S in warrior-Vulcan-past AU where Kirk's Spock's slave. Yeah, it's a genre ( ... )


bigmamag May 14 2009, 04:24:04 UTC
Oh I think the same person who wrote that stuff and did that Dante's Prayer vid did the shipping manifesto I read because I think this is the vid you are referring to and this is Closer. She doesn't have it on her site, but I followed the link from the manifesto and found it in a directory for her main site. I feel all special now. :D

Thanks for all the links, it'll definitely keep me busy until the end of forever, possibly. Adding this new interest to all my other interests means I'm now spending way too much time with fandom on all fronts.


sineala May 14 2009, 05:17:04 UTC
Yep, those are the vids I meant. I believe they've been officially pulled from distribution (non-fans thought "Closer" was supposed to be hilarious or something, when really it's actually not), but I knew they were still up somewhere...

You're welcome. Always happy to spread the Trek love. :)


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