Well, I'll probably piss SOMEONE off tonight

May 07, 2009 22:52

Does this mean Anna is gone forever?  I may be able to get over Castiel's sudden betrayal in oh say ten years if that is the case.

Bobby rocked hard, as usual.  You know, of all the shit that pissed me off about Sam, the worst was him rifle-whipping Bobby, oddly.

I don't care what others say, Sam IS a monster.  I felt sorry for him at points, but then I had to endure Sam and Ruby BLOOD SUCKING AND MOST LIKELY FUCKING IN THE HONEYMOOON SUITE and and now there is not enough bleach in the WORLD to rid my eyes of them having a bit of a pillow talk, even if it was about killing Lilith and shit. And I know that Dean has his big faults, that he's said and done things that aren't kosher, but for god's sake, Sam has been acting like a fucking whole different human being all this season, so this is why I contend that Sam is a fucking asshole and I highly doubt they will ever be able to endear me to him again.

I'm so mad about this damn show that I just want to quit.  I think I'm one episode away from doing just that.  If there is more of the same shit next week, I'm done.  I've found MY line.  I can't watch this show if Sam is a dick, Ruby is shown as sympathetic, Dean is a wimpy wimpy, and Castiel is an ALL PUN INTENDED turncoat.  It's fucking sad that when I think back on it, the only really enjoyable episode this season was one where Sam and Dean were not themselves and were living in AU land.  That says a lot about things, I think.

I haven't read fic in months, I've had no desire to, and just seeing Sam pisses me off.  He CHOKED DEAN.  Look Sam, I know you've got a lot of pent up frustration after having been choked yourself a million times, but my GOD, you came awfully close to killing him.  I can do fistfights, I can even deal with you slamming him into GLASS AND SHIT WHERE HE CAN SLIT HIS THROAT, but choking him with your bare hands??  Monster.  I'm still waiting patiently for Sam to get knocked down a peg and am patiently waiting for some literary HUBRIS to go down, but so far all I've seen is the writers doing a damn good job at trying to make Sam sympathetic and Dean a nelly bottom loser.    And oh, I hope like hell I'm wrong, wrong, wrong about Castiel and this episode with him seeming to be a traitor is a red herring. I want Sam brought to his motherfucking knees and to get over himself.  Here's my tally of offenses:


- Told Sam he was a monster. (fucked up, I won't defend it.)
- Locked Sam up, knowing he could very well die (but to not become a monster like he fears)


- Punched Dean first and tried to choke him to death.
- Told Dean he couldn't do it (kill Lilith)
- Pistol-whipped Bobby
- Lolled about in bed with Ruby. (Yes, this goes on the list forever)


I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO ANGRY MUSIC.  There will soon be a list of angry songs up for download from me, I just know it.

sammy!, groped by an angel, spn reaction, wtf

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