SPN 4x20 and my usual unpopular opinions

Apr 30, 2009 23:34

Oh my lawd, is it bad that I bust a gut laughing?

Yep, I'm with Dean, done with it all.  I laughed like a nutjob when Sam turned vampire.  I mean seriously, the bitch deserves it and then some, the big crackhead.

And then I laughed because Castiel doesn't serve Dean anymore.  When we will see this serving deleted footage?  I laughed so hard and Castiel so should have done one of those cool "mm hmm!" snaps.

Also, I fucking loved Bobby and Dean locking Sam up Iand I'm not afraid to say it.  Sam needs to really get his shit straight, the arrogant misguided stupid ass.  He ruined my enjoyment of wincest written after season three!  D:


I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK.  Sam and Dean:  The Break Up.  He slammed Dean into glass?  Fuck yeah, I will be there hoping Sam leaves and the break up is complete.  Amazing how this show has changed me from a newly christined Sam girl since season three and then slammed me into Dean!girl mode, but now it's even worse because I have no idea how they'll make Sam a likeable character again.  If they manage to do that, then this is the best show on earth because I don't see how.  

spoilers, sammy!, groped by an angel, dean/castiel, spn reaction, wtf

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