Posting because I can

Mar 26, 2009 11:17

1.)HOMG, I WISH I HAD TIME TO VID. I did the first clip to my Uther/Morgana vid and it looks so freaking good with Morgana in black and white and only showing her red dress and red lips, SIN INCARNATE. I WOULD HIT IT. maichan808, the goddess, also told me how to do an overlay using an image (I didn't even know it was called overlaying, which is why I need the help.) I feel like I can put like, almost any clips and it'll look great, just because of the shiny stuff. I'm never going back to movie maker. \o/

2.) Got coffee at a gas station and all they had was sugar in the raw. *wails piteously* I'm the kind of person who has a little coffee with my sugar and creamer, so this was so not on.

3.) I'm very disappointed that there aren't any really cheesy love songs vids for Merlin, or at least on youtube. I mean come on, where's the Celine Dion songs or Bryan Adams? Not one "I will always love you?" You know, I think it would be damn hilarious to do a bad!vid LJ community or contest thing and people can do them on purpose just like they do in badfic communities. This would be hilarious and I think it's a great idea. I would totally do a shitty vid for fun. Think of the glory! Anyone can join in on the fun! If this happens, I am so going to do Bryan Adams.  Maybe capslock_merlin  would be interested in this faggotry.

4.) Speaking of capslock wtf is with capslock_spn?  I am so tired of their stupid banner and 'ALL RUBY ALL THE TIME' crap and it's just boring over there.  It used to be hilarious and fun, but now you can't post pointless manips and it's kind of pointless.  And I was cool about the blatant rudeness, because it was funny and it all felt like a joke and you knew it was a joke and you put up with peendance because it was hilarious, but I swear, it doesn't feel like a joke when you do something wrong now and the rudeness is personal and pointless.  There is a difference between someone telling you PREPARE 2 B RAEPED TONITE compared to GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.  First one is so off-the-wall that it's funny, the second is more serious and personal.  Do not want.

5.) My friend randhforever (who I pimped earlier, but now I dunno if she will use LJ more or not, so we'll see) is very intrigued when I share the gospel of J2. She can't watch SPN because she absolutely cannot handle excessive violence or well, supernatural things (it's funny because I'll talk about something like a guy getting his hand blended and she's like SUBJECT CHANGE and it's every day to me), but she knows Jared from Gilmore Girls (hilariously, a show I can't watch because it's STUPID) and she thinks they're both smoking hot like Jensen thinks Jared is and wants to know more. So, fangirls who are not as lazy as me, WHERE ARE RPS RESOURCES FOR BEGINNERS? I'm talking ship manifestos, the most important links for knowing their slashy history, and some of the great RPS fics. I mean obviously I know these things, but I am retarded and do not want to search forever myself. So far I've shared the roommate thing and introduced her to The Anthem.

capslock, vidding, coffee iv tyme, ye olde buttsex in camelot, faggotry, those buttsexing roommates

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