Feel the Slash, baby!

Mar 25, 2006 02:39

Finished my It's Raining Men video this morning. Not the best thing in the world, but it is funny and cute. Now it's back to finishing a new Smallville video and that one, baby, is going to be HOT.  The bff absolutely hates my song choice, but loves to watch it based on its sheer sexiness and hardcore action.  I've been needing to do this kind of video for awhile, a video that just doesn't fit in the HP world of vid making.  Yes, H/D itself can be hardcore, moody and sexy, but the movies or books aren't.  At all.  But if you twist a little on Smallvile, then the possibilities are endless.   I suppose it's the benefit of a fandom whose medium is video in the first place.

Anyways, here's the link.  Enjoy!


harry potter, vid post

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