Annnndddd another one

Dec 23, 2006 16:12

Wow, another HP vid and I did it in less than a week.  The mind boggles.  I've also decided to do Sims 2 vids more often and my New Year's resolution is to get my next vid done in time for the Valentine's day challenge at  hp_envision.   Man, it'll be the first challenge I've ever entered, so yay.

Weapon of Choice

Song: Weapon of Choice
Arist: Fatboy Slim
Summary: A slashy comedy that points out things that are unintentionally funny about the movies.  Must have a good sense of humor to watch. Predominantly H/D but with a lot of other pairings.

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As a side note, real life is so weird.  My guinea pigs have fleas, so I had to put some flea spray (six bucks for a hand-sized bottle) and watched in part amusement, part anxiety as they ran around the cage, annoyed as the fleas engaged a final battle for survival.  But today I sprayed them and they just sat there and shook their coats, pissed that I got them wet.  They forgave me when I gave them parsley.  :D

Then tonight I have to go to my bitch aunt's house.  Basically the reason we hate her is because 1.) she is a snob, 2.) she called my dad and his family white trash years ago (which makes me white confetti, I guess) and 3.) five years ago my aunt and my grandpa made my sister upset by saying that my poor grandpa was dying and that it was horrible that she didn't want to see him (this is a man who has claimed to be dying since 1992 and he finally kicked the bucket two years ago).  Needless to say I'm not happy.  It doesn't help that my uncle is a Leave it to Beaver reject.  I mean, he sits on the floor in a gay reindeer sweater, playing with their teacup chihuahua and calls us "kiddos" even though my sister is 26 and I'm 22.

Oh, and tomorrow night i have to be around 8 kids.  Four of them are fine because they are my relatives.  Three belong to my cousin's horrible new girlfriend and one belongs to my other cousin's hillbilly boyfriend.  Merry Christmas, dysfunction.  Would you like some eggnog some kid spat in?  God, I miss my cousin who died a whole lot right now.  It's hard going through Christmas without him because we were the same age, went to the same school and used to live down the road from each other.  I only have my sister to really talk to at my grandma's house and she talks to everyone else as well, so i'm usually sitting there and wishing I was at home.  *sigh*  But it'll get better once I get home from there.  Food's always good, at least and I love to cook. 

harry potter, vid post

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