New SV Vid

Nov 24, 2006 14:51

I was very nervous about this one, but talitha78 assured me that it wasn't the Most Awful Piece of Crap in Fandom to Date.  Therefore I decided to post it since I now feel like it might not be completely ignored.  Gosh, I've never been so nervous about a vid!  Probaby because it's risky doing a vid to instrumental music and tryng to make it epic.  You could either get an epic vid, a good vid, or a joke.  Hopefully I'll get the middle, since I wouldn't know what to do if it were a joke or how to deal with epic status, so good is perfect.  :)

Title: Ice Dance
Summary:  A story of a destiny that never was.

Link:  My Smallville Music Videos

that show with the gay alien, vid post

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