Wincest is alive and sinnin'

Nov 14, 2008 18:22

So the last episode.  I have a point to make on wincest.

I've been reading reviews and thoughts on the episode, but the first thing I heard was when I squeed about the ep to the bff.  She thought I would be pissed about the sex.  Our conversation went something like this on the phone:

HER: But you see, Sam was wanting to be someone else.
ME:  Well, I don't know about THAT.
HER:  No really.  Dean was gone, there was nothing left, and he wanted either death or revenge.  But to get revenge, he needed to become a bad motherfucker because he needed his powers and his dark side.  So when Ruby was in his lap and talking about how wrong it is to be screwing a demon, something in Sam said, "This is something the good Sam Winchester would never do."  And then SEX.
HER:  I no rite?  But then later he threatens her with the knife and he totally would have cut the bitch had she tried to stop him.

I linked that to Sam saying that he listened and stayed alive because Ruby sounded like Dean.  And then the slow face zoom on Dean's face??  ♥

This isn't romance between Sam and Ruby.  It's a question of need.  So I refuse to call it Sam/Ruby.

Plus, this actress NEEDS TO GTFO.  God, the blonde was more compelling and the maid was even more so.

Oh...AND CASTEL WILL NEVER NOT BE HOT.  God, I get tingles when that man comes on screen.  I never thought I'd truly ship anything outside Sam/Dean, but I could almost get into Dean/Castiel.  And now I get to use my pretty new icon!

wincest, shaking and crying, groped by an angel, spn reaction, bff

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