There's a first time for everything

Sep 15, 2006 13:35

So here I sit, broken hearted, tried to eat, but only threw up.

I appear to have come down with some kind of stomach virus... or Gastritis as they call it in the medical world. It all started yesterday morning around 5:30 AM. I went to bed relatively early, although I realized I kept waking up every couple hours for no apparent reason. I suppose my body knew what was up and did the right thing by waking up my brain, but it couldn't take the hint, so I kept going back to bed. Finally around 3 I noticed my stomach was bothering me. I drank some water and went back to bed. 5 am rolls around, i feel much worse and don't want to get out of bed. 5:30, I decide to go ot the bathroom.

As soon as my body becomes vertical, my stomach takes its chances. BLEEEEEEAAAAAAARRRGGGGH!! The porcelin gods demanded their tribute yesterday morning one way or another...

Needless to say, this kept happening every 2 hours for the whole day until I decided to see Student Health Services at around 2ish. I probably should have gone sooner, but I didn't really feel like it, and my vomiting was somewhat under control in the afternoon (as in, I knew it was coming about an hour ahead of time). They gave me a 2cc shot of Tigan, which is an anti-nausea medication, in my thigh (Although I could have sworn it was my ass given the dosage), and that made me feel better. The only side effect is that you get REALLY tired, so I zonked out, but my vomiting went away.

Matt was at work when I went to SHS, so I took the new STL Metro-run red line back home. The driver is usually this really chill dude who grew up in the hood that I've recently gotten to know and is a great driver, but yesterday it was this lady who needed some serious bus-driving lessons. While I have no problem with defensive drivers, she would ride the breaks even when the intersections were clear or she was coming to a stop, so the bus would rock back and forth every time she did everything. With 2cc's of anything in my ass cheek, a jittery bus is the last place I wan to be sitting.... longest bus ride of my life!

So I made it home, passed out, woke up around 10:30 and took some Tigan in pill form that SHS gave me. I don't knoe if it was the Tigan or my stomach issues, but I woke up feeling MUCH better, but also having had some freaky dreams. The only one I remember involved flossing my teeth, but my gums would start bleeding profusely every time I flossed. My teeth were also a funky coffee stain color.

So today I've been eating simple foods and recouping. I have a slight fever, although I'm off the Tigan and feeling pretty good. Hopefully this was just food poisoning or something and not a virus. I've had to miss 4 classes and a meeting about the BS/MBA program... grrr... Hopefully I'll be well enough to go on a date tomorrow night.
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