winds of change

Jun 15, 2006 22:20

so there is much to say, but I will share this story for now as there is some reading and sleeping that requires my attention:

Started going to hapkido class. it's awesome. the instructor (Mike) is hilarious but a really intense teacher. Since I'm a new student, he calls me Missouri. It doesn't have anything to do with my weight, but I guess I won't have a real name until I get a belt.

Today in class, he clowned me for leaving my keys on the floor. "who's keys are these?"

"mine sir..." I say

"hey Missouri, why do you have a bottle opener on your keychain? are you old enough to drink?" Turns out they were in an inconvenient spot, so he was moving them to the chairs as he talked.

"depends who you ask, sir." I thought that was a clever way to respond given the fact that there are both little kids, and old adults in the class.

"yeah right... I bet you use this to open root beer..."

The whole class laughs at me.


we then went for "a run." This was a new experience for me. Turns out it's a partner exercise. What we do is run as a group, but every quarter mile or so he'll say stop and then shout out a drill. For example, the first one was 50 turning kicks each side. Not cool. Each partner does the drill while the other holds the pad. You alternate running with the pad so the system is fair to all. As soon as everyone finishes the drill, we all keep running. Of course, the faster you finish, the longer your break will be if there are other people still working. But of course, working faster means higher intensity, so you're more tired anyway. But 2.5 miles (10 drills total), a couple hundred kicks and a couple hundred punches/elbows later, we're finally on our way back to the room. I happen to be running next to Mike and the group is spread out enough so that no one can hear our conversation.

"Hey Mike..." I say.

"hey Missouri..." he responds.

"So the one thing I didn't mention about my bottle opener is that some women I know appreciate it when you take care of their drinks for them."

He hits me, smiles and I run off chuckling. Hopefully that scored one for me in his book. I've never really pulled the "yeah I'm still in college and I'm making fun of you b/c you can't do these things anymore b/c you have a family" card, but I thought it was a funny joke more than anything. I can't imagine what his college days were like. He actually hasn't told me where he went to school...

Ironically, while my abs and legs are really friggin sore, they haven't felt as bad as when I was doing crew. A funny thing the body is...
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