Jun 26, 2007 14:42
it started yesterday. XD
the coaches are really cool and i've made some new friends. there are only five ninth graders though, including myself. the rest are mostly little 5th and 6th graders.
it was so hotttt today. i got darker. good news = my farmers tan is evening out some. bad news = on my legs, only from midthigh to the bottom of my knee got darker. hello, shin guard/shorts tan. -o-i my cleats give me horrible blisters on my ankle. i got my first one ever yesterday. they are the most disgusting things!! the skinnnn. ugh, gross. now it's all red and hurts like crazyyy. i like limp when i walk/run, but i suck it up! take one for the team, yeah! lol. we do drills and learn skills (HAHA. that rhymed 8D) before break and then after, we play games and SCRIMMAGE! i love scrimmaging. our team won today! our teams (we're the gray storm, btw. w0000t) get points and we were REALLY behind this morning with the relays, but can you say COMEBACK! i think we're in the lead now. we also got lots of spirit points! haha. XD i'm surprised i wasn't sore today, but maybe tomorrow. actually, my left arm is kinda hurting. it's the one that actually moves the stick, right arm just guides.
today when my bro picked me up, we went to chipotle! my first time. it was pretty good actually! but i just got tacos. the burritos are MASSIVE omg.
okay so yamapi's new hair?
i prefer the other style, but it's alright. he's still cute! but then again i am yamapi biased XD
i heard the prodai ending was CRAPPY. goshhhhhhh. DDD: i like this drama, but it's being so gayyyy! >-<
i've been on myspace way to much lately. it disgusts me. D:
stupid myspace comments. ><
time for some srs zelda.... FAILURE. -o-iii
ps. tonight, me and my bro are going to DC with my sister to eat some korean food! yaaaay.
field hockey,