weekend report

May 14, 2007 15:21

i'm backkkkk, everybody!!


omg. it was SOOO goooood!! i went with my friends for her birthday~ it was pissing us off so much though! like when FREAKING HARRY MADE MJ BREAK UP WITH PETER WTF!! ughhh. aww, but when he still didn't have his memory and MJ went to his house... he looked REALLY hot. and then the twist dancing oh goshhhh. i didn't like peter's hair when he was wearing the black suit but omg he looked so hot in that dark suit!! that is erm.. until he started that weird dancing in teh middle of the street! HAHAHAHA. that part was so funny. gosh, he was so cocky! and OMfG GAARA WAS SO IN IT!! XDDD i leaned over my friend to say to the other girl (who thinks gaara is hot) "OMG ITS FREAKING GAARA!!!" and that girl.. she screamed like threeee times it was so hilarious. aww, i loved when spiderman and the hobgoblin JOINED FORCES!! i so called it~~ T____T but then.. HARRY. DIED! we were so bummed. oh, and for her present, i gave her a giant black spiderman hand that i won from D&B that's like the in position of shooting the webs (but if you hold it up right it can be "i love you" in sign language XD) and she LOVEDDD it!! so appropriate, don't you think? she was all, "OHMYGOSH IT'S SO AWESOME!!" chyeah.

i had to leave my friend's party earlier than everyone else because of it, but it was really cool! some groups weren't THAT good, but overall everyone did well. there were some 8~11 year old kids who were REALLY good already! oh and that crazy legs dude or something who is a beat boy? he was a host, as was some girl from the 99.5 radio station. my cousin + other cousins + his friends are starting a crew for next year's; dunno if it's gonna be competition or exhibition though.. hahaha, but my uncle came up with a name that my cousin is SOOO EXCITED about! it's... CREW-TUNS (or is it CREW-TONS?) get it? like croutons XDD my cousin LOVES that name a LOT. he told me to be in it to but i was like PSH. i cannot dance FOR MY LIFE. so, sorry ^^;

wow. finally after FIVE years, he graduates. YAY! since it was rainy-ish, they went STRAIGHT to the diplomas! it was great!! it was so fun yelling for him when they called his name. ^^ and then when it got nicer they were supposed to continue with the rest of the ceremony, but then the guest speaker didn't even read all of his speech!! best. graduation. ever. XDv after we went to this restaurant called "the monestary." it was DEL-I-CI-OUS. omg. we had escargots for appeitizer. yum. everyone got the same foods. we had lamb, duck, some kind of steak, and some kind of goulash(sp?). i had the lamb special which came with broccoli and potato puree thingy. SO GOOD!! and my sister's duck & sour kraut was also pretty darn amazing. for dessert we had this czech dumpling thing (called kneadle? or something; my sister got the name for her husband's grandma to maybe make) filled with strawberry and topped with cheese and butter. like. WOW. it was AMAJINGGG. srsly. you have no idea just how good it was. XDv

we didn't get home on sunday until 11pm. -o-ii and then my parents still had to take my sister back to her apartment. goshh, i didn't get to bed until 1am.... but that was 'cause i was on the computer -_-;; i'm so sleeeepy now! but i was watching cartoon kat-tun and ohmygosh. while jin was gone, i FORGOT HOW FREAKING HOTTT HE IS!! ;lakjsdf;la i mean, i KNEW, but i didn't know HOW MUCH. goooood job, jaclyn. *slapped*

oh and one more thing =) on friday i sent my friend that landromat pic from the news calender so we were talking about it in the lunch line and she goes, "the guy next to yamapi is SO FLAT!!!" hahahaha~~ oh, tego~<3 we told my other friend about it and she was like "O___O YOU GUYS ARE SO NASTY!!" okay but really. hottest. picture. evarrr.

siblings, news, ecdc, party, spiderman 3

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