Jun 19, 2003 12:31
I Am: Nathan Andrew Nagy (GODZILLA)
I Want: To hurry up and turn 21
I Have: $311 in my wallet
I Wish: A certain person wouldn't make me so crazy
I Miss: As much as I hate to admit it, Jackie
I Fear: Love and commitment
I Hear: Jessie
I Wonder: When will she get her head out of her ass?
I Regret: Not much, but a couple things
I Love: Jessie, I think
I Always: Finish what I start }:-)
I Am Not: Small (Take it how you want)
I Dance: When I see a cute piece of ass in the club
I Sing: When i'm alone
I Cry: For various reasons usually pertaining to the same situation.
I Am Not Always: Sober
I Write: In this journal
I Win: Always! (Euchre Devonie?)
I Lose: Never! (See Above)
I Confuse: Probably everyone but myself
I Need: To move out
I Should: Get an MBA
My Mother Thinks I Am: I don’t really know right now
My Boyfriend/Girlfriend Thinks I am: Don't exactly have one, next closest thing says: "Your crazy, stubborn, and persistent."
1. My ability to pleasure a woman
2. My bowling skill
3. My car
YOU GET EMBARRASSED WHEN: To think about it I really don't
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY: My friends (Usually)
WHAT UPSETS YOU: Not much, but usually Jessie
YES OR NO......
x. You Keep A Diary/Journal: Yes
x. You Like To Cook: You should all know the answer to this one
x. You Have A Secret You Have Not Shared With Anyone: Many
x. You're In Love: I believe I was, if you ever find a true definition of love let me know and I’ll tell you then
x. You Set Your Watch A Few Minutes Ahead: Nope, all my clocks and watches are set exactly right
x. Bite Your Fingernails: Yeah, as much as I’ve tried to quit
x. Believe In Love: Yeah
Who is...?
The Prettiest Person Of The Opposite Sex You Know: Jackie Brennen
The Weirdest Person You Know: Alex
The Loudest Person You Know: John
Your Close Friends: Mike, Alex, Eric, Jessie, Devonie, Kelly, John, anyone i'm forgetting right now please forgive me i'm dead tired and just trying to finish this
Person That Knows The Most About You: Mike
What is...
Your Most Overused Phrase On IM: Hooker
The Last Image/Thought You Go To Sleep With: Depends
Your Best Feature: My Evil Smile
Inside jokes: “I’m White, I’m Blue”, “I coulda, but I didn’t”, I’m sure I’ll remember more later
2. Do You...?
Take A Shower Everyday: What’s a shower?
Have A(Any) Crush(es): Yep
Think You Know You've Been In Love: Definitely
Want To Get Married: Yeah
Have Any Tattoos/Where?: No
Piercings/Where?: Left Ear
Motion Sickness: Nope
Think You're A Health Freak: When I’m lifting
Get Along With Your Parents: More then I used to
Ryan: Ross
Rob: Preston
Drew: “Pot Head” Buddingh
Stephanie: Poff
Heather: Cashier at work
Aaron: Jewbica
Amy: Love
Will: Ferrall
Paul: Lindsay
Eve: Christmas
John: Moore
Laura: This girl I met in Canada
Alex: Ockerman
Justin: Some guy Jessie slept with
Ricky: Moore
Jack: Daniels
SCREEN NAMES: bigkickr, bigkickr69
SIGN: Cancer
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Current Hair Color: Brown with some remaining blonde highlights
Eye Color: Brown with a black spot in the right one
Birthplace: Providence in Southfield
Number: 9
Color: Green
Day: Saturday
Month: June
Song: Varies, right now Tommy Lee - Hold Me Down
Food: Shrimp
Drink: Kelly’s Long Island Iced Tea
Season: Wabbit
Veggie: Broccoli with Hollandaise Sauce
Cuddle or Make Out? Cuddle, for sure
Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate? Chocolate Milk
Milk, Dark, or White Chocolate? Dark
Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
Cried? Nope
Helped Someone? Ummmmm, sure
Bought Something? Yeah
Gotten High? Nope
Gotten Drunk? Nope
Gotten Sick? Nope
Gone To The Movies? No
Gone Out To Dinner? Does Quiznos count?
Said “I Love You”? No
Had Sex? Yeah
Written A Real Letter? No
Talked To An Ex: Talk?
Missed An Ex? No
Written In A Journal? Who’s the dumb bastard that put that question in here?
Had A Serious Talk? Kinda
Missed Someone? Everyday
Hugged Someone? yeah
Fought With Your Parents? They know better
Fought With A Friend? No
Name 9 Things You Hate:
1) Sunburn
2) Hardware
3) Confusion
4) Immature People
5) Camels, not Chaldeans, Camels
6) Niggers, again not Blacks or African Americans, Niggers
7) Not having Friday night off
8) Her not being there
9) Bitches, Whores, Sluts, and anything I want to call a girl at the time who is pissing me off and being stupid