Nov 17, 2004 18:32
While I was doing the workout I didn't feel as though it was particularly fruitful as I'm fighting off a cold and my damn nose won't stop running. After taking my post workout shower, however, I had trouble manipulating hand held objects such as phones and car keys - a good indicator that my muscles were worked fairly hard. I need to start using that pool too though, it has a nice view of the city...and the view around the pool can be pleasant as well.
I noticed while driving home that I had gotten into a worker drone mode, with little to no thinking as I navigated the wonderfully lethal Sheikh Zayed Road. This was another good sign as I usually am terrified driving it. People changing from the passing lane to the exit lane in a few seconds, making mockery of death until they become the next statistic. Essentially very well paved roads + a lot of money + irresponsibility = scary roads. But today I was totally chilled with their assholish maneuverings. Perhaps I am starting to get used to it over here.
Anyway, that is all for now, mom and dad get back from their week long trip to Koh Samui later tonight. That should be...occuring.