Ganked from
mrjackson2000 1. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? Once in a great while.
2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons? Break out the scissors and make some sporks!!
3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? Whatever was out on the radio stations.
4. What is the best thing about your current job? They pay me to do it.
5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was required in class? Yes.
6. Are you against same sex marriage? I'm 100% for it. Equal rights for everyone!
7. Have you been on a date in the past week? Yup. took my buddy's Fiancee out for dinner and hockey last Friday. ;-)
8. Where will your next vacation be? Fort Mill, SC
9. Quote a song lyric, because I told you to!: Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Mostly old, a few new.
11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? Nope.
12. Do you like your parents? Yeah.
13. Do you still live with them? Unfortunately. Hard to find a decent house on 1 income with other bills.
14. What state/country are you from? Pennsylvania
15. Tell us about the last conversation you had: bitching about excessive taxes on cellular service ($15+ in taxes on my cell bill)
16. Where do you see yourself in one month? Pretty much in the same place, maybe with the trailer sold and a credit card paid off?
17. What is your favorite smell? Not really sure what my favorite is, but fresh cut grass is a nice smell.
18. Do you consider yourself bi-polar? Not really. I can be a mean fucker when I'm really tired or already aggravated by something.
19. What is the time and the outside temperature at the moment? 11:01a and probably somewhere around mid-50s to 60ish?
20. Have you ever done anything vindictive to your coworkers? Ehh, nothing too bad.
21. Have you ever gone to therapy? Never needed it.
22. Have you ever Played Spin the Bottle? Yeah.
23. Have you ever Toilet papered someone's house? Nope.
24. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Of course...
25. Have you ever gone camping? More times than I can remember. I've not gone lately because of the extremely high bug population, though.
26. Have you ever had a crush on your sister/brother's friend? My brother doesn't have any friends.
27. Have you ever been to a nude beach? Drove by one in the Bahamas.
28. Have you ever had sex on the beach? Nope.
29. Have you ever had a stalker? Just once.
30. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yup. In the ocean in Florida and South Carolina! ;-)
31. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Yes.
32. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one? Me? Sober? At a party? Not hardly. :-P
33. Have you ever been cheated on? Probably 90% of my relationships in HS ended with the girl telling me "I can't be with you anymore because I feel guilty about cheating on you."
34. Have you ever had sex with one of your myspace friends? Yes.
35. Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend? A couple of my friends have done things that made me question our friendship... :-\
36. Have you ever felt like you were just completely rhino raped? Every time I call HP, Dell or Nextel for customer service.
37. Have you ever lied to your parents? Little white lies. Nothing serious.
38. Have you ever been out of the US? Canada and the Bahamas
39. Have you ever thrown up from working out? Once in high school. Training with the football team was hard work. I wish I had a training regiment like that now...
40. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month straight? No. I usually wear a hat anyway, though...
41. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in 1 day? Not that I can remember. I don't eat that much fast food, and when I do it's usually from the same place.
42. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didnt know what was going on? Never.
43. Have you ever spied on someone you had a crush on? Not really.
44. Have you ever met someone you only know through myspace? Not through Myspace yet. LJ and a couple other forums, yes.
45. Have you ever slept with one of your coworkers? Hmmm...nope.
46. Have you ever seen your best friend naked? Most of them. Not necessarily on purpose.
47. Have you ever exploded peeps in the microwave? Yes! I have pictures, too! Mostly of the end result, though.