Found this today and I think they're talking about me. It made me laugh so thought I would share. And here's a gorgeous pic to go with it. And more pics on the page and articles.
Adam Lambert: Read The Warning Label
3/4/2012 byNoAngel
When #ItsAdamsFault trended earlier this week, it was a revelation to see all the trouble that Adam has caused to his fans. I'm sure he means well, but let's face it-the guy should come with a warning label. It might read something like this:
Active Ingredients:Concentrated bert. This high-potency product causes temporary relief of minor (and major) real-life aches and pains.
Uses:To create feelings of euphoria, well-being, and joie de vivre, aka berting. Use as directed to increase one's sense of adventure and connectedness with like-minded individuals.
Warnings:May cause insomnia, fatigue, rapid heart rate, and wanderlust.
Is this you? It sounds like me. Side effects may include:Extreme lack of productivity; emaciation and dehydration caused by poor dietary habits; social isolation; and bloating of the credit card balance. In extreme cases can cause night sweats, global wandering, and outbursts of giggling in Finnish.
Signs of overdose:Irritability; loss of storage space on hard drive; F5 Fatigue Syndrome. The victim should be kept warm and calm. Forcible removal of the mouse from the victim's hand should not be attempted except by a professional. Apply earbuds and play Broken Open or Acoustic Aftermath until help arrives.
Risk of addiction is extremely high. Persons afflicted by bert are highly contagious, and bert spreads rapidly through vulnerable populations via Twitter and YouTube links. There is no known cure. Seek medical attention immediately if berting lasts over 4hours/years. This is a medical emergency. Or else it's just normal.
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