Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station

Dec 26, 2009 23:39

Man alive, I suck at this. Well, it was Christmas.
Day 01 → Your favourite song
Day 02 → Your favourite movie
Day 03 → Your favourite TV programme
Day 04 → Your favourite book
Day 05 → Your favourite quote
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 → A photo you took
Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 → A fictional book
Day 14 → A non-fictional book
Day 15 → A fanfic
Why Barry Scott Always Shouts
My mate teh_kween found this absolute beauty on FanFiction.Net... UK people, you know the Cillit Bang adverts? Yeah, somebody wrote FAN FICTION about them. Mental.


Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Bit of an obvious one, but more specifically in this scene from The West Wing.


Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)

I love this man.


Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Poll My two front teeth

Day 19 → A talent of yours
Day 20 → A hobby of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy.

that 30 days meme everyone is doing, it's a poll

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