May 09, 2007 01:16
You know, it's funny. I have spent so much of my little life trying to please people. I was lacking in respect and confidence. Moving away from home, I learned that I needed tougher skin. I became slightly more goal-oriented, I realized what I wanted and I tried to get it...for myself. Well, apparently people don't like you as much after making the transition from doormat to...not. I've never been selfish..I'm still not selfish. I just know what is good for me, and what isn't. I'd like to think that by now, with regret, big mistakes and heartbreaks out of the way, I'm capable of making my own decisions. So why is it that I find myself begging you to support something I've already made up my mind on? When can I come into some credibility? And, more importantly what have I done to prove myself unworthy? It's funny because I'll never find success in the one thing it seems you want for me: stagnance.