well okie dokie then. i'll be right there!

Jun 18, 2008 08:47

last night i spent time visiting with my sisters, niece and daughter. it felt a little awkward at first, but after a short bit tensions eased and we all enjoyed ouselves. i guess there's still a lot of things left unsaid between my sisters and i. maybe some things are best unsaid. i miss them though. they are completely insane (like i'm not?) and that insanity always seemed to give my life a sense of bouyancy and an odd sense of stability. hopefully we'll do it more often.

while driving home i passed through an area of town i hadn't been in for quite a while which reminded me of something that made me laugh out loud. derek had spent the night with a friend and he called to ask if i could pick him up. i hadn't been to this friends home so i asked for directions and he put his friend (won't mention names here) on the phone. the conversation went like this:

friend - "hey ma! okay, okay, do you know where jackson square apartments are?"

me - "ummm... no baby. i don't know where that is."

friend - "oh...uh... okay, do you know where vieux carre is?"

me - "wow. no, can't say i know where that is either."

friend - "oh, okay, well vieux carre is right across the street from jackson square."

me - "ummmmmm...."


me - "okay, what street is that on?"

friend - "uh, i dunno. but just look for vieux carre."

me - "isn't that across the street from jackson square?"

friend - "yeah, yeah! that's it!"

me - **sigh**
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