It's my favorite hair ever. Short, and brown highlights. Love it. IT MIGHT EVEN CONVINCE ME TO WRITE.
I am almost done with my takingitinturns entry. PLEASE BE PATIENT. IT WILL BE DONE SOON. I PROMISE.
Other than that...been watching Dollhouse. I like it well enough, but it really annoys me in a strange way I don't expect from Joss Whedon stuff. I can't see Eliza as the innocent type, so some of her imprints are strange. I am more sold on her as Caroline, strangely, but--I dunno. I don't really like it like I thought I would. I'll give it time, though. And no surprise, I LOVE Victor/Sierra.
Talk to me, f-list. Anything I should be watching? I've caught up with Being Human, LOVE IT, obviously. Anything else awesome I should check out? Any fics I should read? What's going on?