Want to know my IQ? click!
So about a week ago I underwent 4 hours of nerological testing and I just got the results back. Turns out I have an IQ of 145(!!!!!!!!!1!!) and very severe ADD. This won me a prescription for ritalin and a nice pat on the back for being so goshdarn smart.
so 145, that's great, but what does that mean, you ask?
well, 134+ make up the top 1% of the population. This means I'm probably smarter than you.
Scores of 140+ are classified as "genius." Well, that's just a label, but not bad.
Here's a chart I found which compares me to some other famous geniuses:
Looks like I'm just behind Hawking and right above Einstein. Hawking may be ahead, but at least I can walk.
Here are some other famous people that I could trounce in a battle of wits:
Adolf Hitler 141
German Dictator, master manipulator, simpleton.
Bill Clinton 137
US president, saxophone player, real-life superhero, not the brightest bulb.
George W. Bush 125
Father of the war on terror and the patriot act, family man, complete moron.